View Full Version : Upping my dose

05-02-12, 12:25
Sorry I keep going on but I upped my dose just over a week ago from 10mg to 20mg. I was doing ok until a couple of days ago. I am feeling really anxious and panicky again and I have had really bad heartburn since last night. Has anyone else suffered the same sort of thing??? Any advice and reassurance would be greatly appreciated,

05-02-12, 12:40
Hi Sophie - it is a side effect of the tablet and will disappear - drink peppermint/chamomile teas - hope it helps. Laura

05-02-12, 13:08
hi sophie
I upped to 20mg on monday and like you have not been so anxious and not too many side effects apart from the feeling that the skin on my face feels hot but not to touch, just like a tightness, maybe not related at all but cant remember if i had this when i first started the meds on 10mg.

05-02-12, 13:35
Hi whenever ive increased my dose its always been 3/4 days down the line that ive noticed the side effects especially the heightened anxiety but it will pass soon x x

06-02-12, 13:30
Give it time.. it will soon go. It is very common to get symptoms at first but they soon wear off and things become much easier.

06-02-12, 15:19
Hi sophie, yes you will get a wee bit worse before you get better, i lso suffer with heartburn, and i drink peppermint tea......it really helps.

Just go with it, and when your dose settles i'm sure you will feel loads better xx