View Full Version : dvt

sherylee xx
05-02-12, 13:09
hey i keep gettin a pain in my left calf and im worried keep gettin chest pains too :( the pain is like a throbbin pain in one spot it comes and goes but now im gettin chest pains im worryin :( xx

05-02-12, 14:09
Hiyer Sherylee,

Maybe call NHS direct and see what they think ? The thing is, nobody can offer medical diagnosis or advice via this website, and if you are concerned then you have lost nothing by giving them a quick call.

05-02-12, 15:07
My obsession with having a dvt is back in full force today too. Ive had a bad sharp pain for a week now in my chest and i went to a+e panicking about it. The dr did an ecg, pulse, bp,sats and listened to my chest (id had an xray the week before).All were clear. I still wouldnt believe that i didnt have a dvt/pe so he asked me what would make me believe it and i said 'a d dimer blood test' (it detects if you could have a blood clot but sometimes can come back positive if you have an infection,pregnant etc so they dont rely on this test only). He did it and said it was negative. It was 294 and the range is 0-300. So because it was only 6 off i was still worried that i had a dvt... he kept saying 'NO you dont' but i didnt really believe him!

The chest pain is there and is sharp and comes and goes throughout the day every day - despite painkillers. Then these past few days my right leg and hip is killing me - like ive pulled a muscle or something. It's worse through the night so im trying to tell myself it could be the way im sleeping, BUT it's just so worrying that i have chest AND now leg pain. Am getting so wound up AGAIN.

In my experience nhs direct almost always (well in my case) call an ambulance or send me to a+e!they have to 'cover' themselves so if you say you have chest pain ...

charlotte x

sherylee xx
05-02-12, 16:33
i was goin to hun but they always say ring an ambulance ect anythin to do with chest pain they did the other week and i had an ecg and it was ok i might give my out of hours doctor a call though thanks for replyin :) xx

charlotte aw bless hun its awful isnt it iv had chest pain for about a week now and the leg pain started today and after my friend on fb (who is 23 fit and healthy no background of dvts) got one in her leg!! so of course its playin on my mind i feel all weak and unsteady and just so scared :( amd your right nhs direct always do that and make you panick thanks for your reply hun xx