View Full Version : Thyroid Test

05-02-12, 13:59
Had some bloods done last Thursday because my Dr is trying to find out why I am so exhausted all the time. Called up friday and was told my thyroid test was borderline and I need to be retested in 6 weeks. Anyone else had this? What happened?

My sister has had the same results the last 2 blood tests and all they keep doing is rechecking her every 2 months and it's always still borderline. Surely that's not good to be borderline and nothing being done? Just worried if I am so tired and it is my thyroid and nothing done I'll get worse

05-02-12, 14:17
I guess if its borderline, they dont want to treat with meds or could make it worse...

05-02-12, 15:49
I am ex thryoid advice charity advisor. YOur Dr cannot prescribe you thryoxine unless you have a blood test that shows you are actually underactive, people can be bordeline for many many years before the function declines enough to be in the underactive range. It is a very grey area and not one the nhs is very good at!

You can ask your Dr to prescribe you a tiny dose of thyroxine say 20mcgs but you could have to sign a waiver as a friend did to say you are taking this by choice and you need to have your thryoid levels checked every few months to make sure that it does not put you overactive but your Dr may not be willing to do this.

Other than that keep having regular bloods done in case it declines enough to be officially classed as underacive and make sure you have a good diet and or take vit supplements like selenium and b vits as these all help the thyroid function - some companies market a thryoid support formula, these contain iodine so you cannot take them if you are taking thyroxine.

09-02-12, 21:18
Thanks for your advice, am hoping my next test is ok as last one 5 months ago was normal. I'm worried my antidepressants are effecting my thyroid as I have read they can do

09-02-12, 22:18
What anti depressent are you on I take thyiroxine and just wandering

Cathy xx

10-02-12, 17:50
I'm on Setraline (Lustral) and have read it can effect your Thyroid?