View Full Version : Anxious for 6 years, looking for help

05-02-12, 16:07
Hello everyone,
I am a 25 year old struggling with anxiety for 6 years now. It first started with depression when I lost one year at the university and broke up with my back then I thought love of my life. After 2 years of taking various medications and seeing a psychotherapist, the first year I was useless and drugged all the time, I finally seemed to make progress. I passed all of my exams, got a very demanding and great new job and only had panic attacks and anxiety once in couple of months or so. Maybe it was the fact I didn`t have time to think about it. Then last year I took a sabatical to pass the final exam, got into a new relationship and it started again. My boyfriend was there for me, he said, but he is so against seeing a therapist, taking medications and he doesn`t really want to understand anything he thinks is the product of 21st century. Therefor, I never could rely on him completely. Even on meds and seeing a therapist I felt awful and was anxious all the time. I also tried hypnotherapy but after the last session I had the most terrible panic attack. I got off meds in the summer and for couple of months it was ok. Then again, in december I started having that awful feeling of being anxious since now. I am on medications again, I see my therapist but I am still in constant fear of dying, losing my mind etc. My boyfriend doesn`t know about this and I want to keep him away from it this time. Also my sister, she is also against medication. The greatest support I have is my father who is encouraging me to try everything new and a friend who has been through PTSD. They are the only people I can speak on a daily basis about my problem.
So, I did my blood tests(I have them done once a year), thyroid test couple of years ago and ECG and I am fine. My current therapy doesn`t make me calm, hypnosis didn`t work(I am not sure how to find a licensed hypnotherapist in Serbia since there is no website). I cut off cigarettes, alcohol and caffeine and I smoke again now. I was thinking of doing a food intolerance test to see whether it might help me. Three years ago I became a vegetarian and it started to get better but then this situation now. Do you think there is a way to overcome anxiety once and for all?

06-02-12, 03:30
I have been listing to Claire Weekes and it is helped so much. Go check her out.

06-02-12, 06:23
Tommy is so right ..Claire Weeks is a miracle worker.

She certainly helped me find my feet and beleive she can help anybody. She is amazing.

Hoep this helps,
