View Full Version : I don't believe this!

05-02-12, 16:39
I posted last night about bad dizzy do and my neck giving me gyp afterwards and then this afternoon I bent over for something and my lower back went completely again. It did this on xmas morning and I have just had a week where it was much better and its gone and done it again but on opposite side but exact same place and same pain.

I cannot go from sitting to standing and waking without absolute agony and storngly resemble a penguin with a pole up its bum.

I am due to have an mri scan next Monday 13th on my lumbar spine to see if my already degenerated discs have got worse but feeling so miserable having to cope with bad dizziness and now this terrible pain with my back.

I just don't know what to do, I have stong painkillers from Dr but they don't touch it when it goes like this and I know that I will not be able to move much for weeks again :weep::weep::weep:

05-02-12, 16:56
So sorry to read this
Have you got a tens machine to put on ?

05-02-12, 17:19
No I don't have anything other than painkillers. My back had been okayish for nearly a year which lulled me into a false sense of security!

Once I have had my scan then drs can take it from there with where to go next but until them all they can do is pain relief.

05-02-12, 18:09
It's horrible when it happens. This has happened to me about 8 times over 10yrs'.

I had bent over for something ....nothing heavy or anything ....and I felt an immediate twinge in my back and knew at once what is was. As I straightened up there was a pain that went worse very quickly.

I know how you feel. I could not straighten my back and was walking about like Groucho Marx:) It's awful and so common .

What I can say is there seems to be a cause ...such as wearing a tight belt ....or haaving been sat 'incorrectly ' in a chair for too long. Even so, there was just no way I could have predicted it. I just bent over and felt a sharp twinge and knew at once what it was.

The painkillers should help and, if nothing else, they will give you a sense of relaxation if they are strong enough. And although it may sound horrid, a walking stick to take the weight off the back is excellent. This helps it heal quickly incidentally.
Hope you are ok . So sorry it has happened. Vince:)

05-02-12, 18:15
Thanks Vince - you are obviously a fellow sufferer as your description is so good! I was thinking about a walking stick as well, will look really old and decrepit then.
I know what is doing my back its sitting on hard chairs for any length of time. I went to a friends house yesterday morning and spent 2 hrs on a hard kitchn chair and then out in the afternoon and spent another hour on a hard chair in a cafe. It is always the next day when it gets me. I tried carrying a cushion around with me but felt a bit of a twit but looks like I will have to do this now. I really don't want to lose my social life because of the chair problem and of course having had a good week I did far too much to the poor old back!