View Full Version : Having a bad day!!!!

05-02-12, 17:25
Hi again, right I posted about my frequent urination yesterday and today I've been going like every 20 mins, it's taking over my life, how can this feeling be a anxiety symptom, very worried today thinking another trip to the docs but don't know why seen as they have done all the tests, do you all think that I would benefit from some medication of some sort??? Because all I do all day is worry about weeing, can't sleep and don't even want to go out, I really do not want to keep feeling this way! But can't seem to find the answer to help!

05-02-12, 17:47

Has the doctor given you any advice on how to deal with this or why it may be happening?
Everytime you go to the toilet is there alot of wee or is it just a little?
It could be the fact that you are worrying so much about it so you think you need the toilet but in actual fact you don't. This is the only thing I can think of if they have done all the tests and nothing has come up

Take care xx

05-02-12, 17:55
My doctor is very good and I was seen very quick for all the tests but your right she thinks because I can't forget about weeing I am going more frequent, I have even been measuring my input and output, when I go it's only about 170ml - 200ml which I believe is low, but my doc data it's like a nervous bladder, some days I will wee every 20 mins and others might just be normal bit I always have that urge feeling! Unless I'm very distracted ie was at my friend the other night from 5 -11 I only went to the toilet once at 10.45 and was drinking wine, wish I could wake up and feel normal, thanks for asking!
Jayne x

05-02-12, 17:56
Is the sensation always there? Probably the system is irritated or something?
Sometimes when I have green peppers (or any from the pepper family), I have that sensation for the next couple of days.
Are you allergic to any types of food?