View Full Version : Bruised vein in middle finger

05-02-12, 19:05
Today I bumped my finger and suddenly the vein came up huge and hot.. It wasn't a hard bump I kinda pressed it against something to hard. And now the vein isn't swollen but looks all bruised!! I'm worried it's a blood clot and will travel to my heart or brain!!!!

Lele x

05-02-12, 19:47
Done it many times Lele, its painful but no harm done and not a blood clot, I promise. It will go down after a day or so x

05-02-12, 21:16
Really? Whys my vein gone all bruised like that?

Lele x

05-02-12, 22:21
I think maybe just like any area of the body, veins can bruise too and maybe the skin by where you knocked it is a bit thinner and therefore the vein got the brunt of the knock...to be honest thats all I know! But I do know I have done this LOADS and it just goes down very quickly and is nothing to be worried about:)