View Full Version : Strangest temptation to jump...

05-02-12, 19:53
First of all I should just point out this doesn't really have much to do with anxiety, I'm just curious if anyone else has ever has the same feelings.

Basically when i'm up high and close to the edge of a long drop (top of buildings, bridges, car-parks etc) I always get the strongest feelings of wanting to throw my self off. I'm NOT suicidal in any way and obviously would never follow through with it by leaping off a bridge, but the temptations are just so strange and I find it difficult to explain to people. It's almost as though when I look down I can almost feel myself leaning over to fall and I feel like I need to get away from the edge. I'm actually quite scared of heights and do get slight vertigo if i'm up REALLY high but this isn't anything like that, when I get these feelings I'm not leaning forwards because I dizzy, just for a split second I really want to jump off. I wonder what it means??

I told my dad about it last year and he said he's always had the same temptation to jump off high buildings too, maybe it's genetic! :yesyes:

I'm not scared by these feelings, if anything I find them amusing as I know I definitely don't want to kill myself.

Has anyone else experienced anything like this??

05-02-12, 19:57
Yes, all the time, and I've talked to stacks of other people who feel/felt the same way. I don't think it is an anxiety thing, it is something that seems to affect a lot of the human race. A friend and myself looked up the name for this phenomenon, but I can't recall it......will try and find out....

05-02-12, 20:02
Yes:):):) It's weird and funny.

I once was in a tower block on a balcony 12 stories up and almost felt like I wanted to spring off it :):):) I have to laugh now, looking back.

My theory is I just don't like heights although I don't mind flying.

A friend of mine who I once told this story to said that when he was in conversation with people he sometimes had the urge to fling a cup of scalding tea in their face :):) He is the most kindest person you could see.

Got to laugh sometimes, haven't we.

Vince :)

05-02-12, 20:54
Yes many times felt like that and every time I walk past the train bridge by where I live I think about throwing myself off that, especially if a train is approaching! I also sometimes think about cutting my fingers off which is very weird I know :wacko:

05-02-12, 21:09
I do think its part of anxiety... i mean its the flash thoughts of wanting to harm yourself...which i was told was common in anxiety - irrational thoughts of harming yourself or others- mine is when im hold a knife , i get flash thought of i could just kill myself with it... and like you im not suicidal, and dont want to die!

05-02-12, 21:12
When you are on a cliff, they call it the call of the sea...you want to do it just to experience...doing it. You know full well you will never and can't do it because you will die - the death urge phanatos wants you to still have the experience out of curiosity. If you didn't experience that urge, then you should be worried. Then you would actually want to die as it would be in line with your other daily desires.

06-02-12, 09:15
I've had this as well, I don't like heights, partly because of this feeling I get. But I've also had the same feeling when I'm at a train station and the express trains go through at top speed, it's not that I would do anything, but since I have had suicidal thoughts at my bad times its like I'm scared I might just do it. Weird.

06-02-12, 09:32
I also experienced the same, don`t know why but it happens to some people. Before anxiety I enjoyed walking on bridges but now I hurry always and even avoid it or if I am with someone that someone is always walking near the fence. Don`t worry, it happens to lots of us.:)

06-02-12, 11:10
Hmm, I get the opposite. I am an electrician and work at immeasurable heights at times, if I look down I get this EXTREMELY nervous weird feeling in my balls(am I allowed to be so candid on this forum?) it is like they are saying "Don't fall! You might wanna have more kids later!". Weird I know but I have talked to friends and they get the same weird feeling - must be physiological!


06-02-12, 12:12
Wanting to experience the sensation of jumping from a height is why so many people go bungee jumping so it's probably a very common feeling you are having.

william wallace
06-02-12, 14:23
It's a form of vertigo coupled with acrophobia. There's no specific name for it. The reason that I'm up to speed with this condition is that I worked on the Forth and Tay rail bridges for about fifteen years. Myself and most of the lads I worked with had it to some degree. No-one ever jumped:)