View Full Version : Urge to urinate symptom?

05-02-12, 20:17
Is this anxiety related? I get nervous I'll need the toilet or become incontinent and after a drink within like 10 minutes I feel this urge to go even if it's a tiny bit. I end up going but even worry it's dripped. It's like a tingling and I get more nervous.

Is it anxiety related?

05-02-12, 21:19
yes it is , I suffer from it , or I used to but sadly my agitation returned 3 weeks ago and it started again , doctor gave me dimazepam to get me by till I see my shrink on Tuesday to review my current meds , but whilst taking the dimazepan It has stopped.

I dont mean to go into gory details but If I have a poo I suffer to, I think Ive done then find a couple of minutes later I have to return sometimes more than once.

I thinki because your anxious you dont concentrte too well our your body doesnt sense the completion cycle.

I shamefully have to admit wont be the first time Ive looked at the front of my trousers and went oh my god , Ive wet the bed on odd occasion also when awoken anxious

Im laughing now , I doubt you wont get many responses but Im in a good non anxious state this evening which has been the first for months :yesyes:, but dreading again what the am will bring:lac:

09-02-12, 02:21
Like I get it after I've just been it's like my body finds another dribble and it's worse when I'm anxious..not had this symptom much before why does it just crop out of the blue? It feels like I'm peeing myself even if it's actually dry when I go to the toilet. And when I go just after I've been theres more there is this normal for anxiety?

09-02-12, 05:07
This is a common anxiety symptom and I've suffered from it too. Anxiety/stress can affect the body in all sorts of ways, and the bladder is one of the many parts affected. I usually find that the more I think about it, the worse this symptom is. When I get completely distracted and am not thinking about anxiety, it goes away.
This can also be a symptom of a bladder infection (simple to treat with antibiotics) so you might want to get it checked out just to make sure. But, most likely it's the anxiety and it will go away once you stop worrying about it. I know, easier said than done....

Good luck.

28-08-12, 20:01
I got this symptom again today:

Basically it feels like a tingling drop even Ive just went sometimes.

But I've only had this like every few months on and off anybody know a cause? An I wetting mysef or is it just a tiny bit of anxiety making me need more? :ohmy:

Lesley anne
29-08-12, 01:32
I think anxiety makes you feel like that and the more you worry, the more you feel these sensations. I get it too, very uncomfortable and weird, but I think it's the body's response to all the adrenaline built up. Good luck n take care.