View Full Version : Rash on Chest vs Low Carb Diet

05-02-12, 21:53
Hi there.

I started doing a low-carb diet (atkins) about a week ago, and have lost 8 lb already. Problem is that I've also developed an itchy rash on my chest, towards my armpits (both sides). I had a similar rash doing atkins just about a year ago (along with another rash on the underside of my belly), and was prescribed an anti-histamine and cortisone cream and things cleared up.

What I'd like to ask, is firstly, has anyone else experienced this when doing a form of low carb diet, or losing weight quickly?

I've been reading a lot of forums about it, and there seems to be a general theme in them that a low carb diet has a detox effect on the body. Since fat cells apparently store toxins, burning them off like this causes the toxins to be excreted through the skin and *poof* rash. The other theory seems to be that it could be a result of a Candida die off, since Candida likes carbs.

I'd really like to continue this way of eating, since it's about the healthiest I've ever eaten (tons of veggies/salad, healthy fats, chicken/fish) and I feel great otherwise, but I'd like to get rid of this rash too. Has anyone got any suggestions or thoughts on the matter?

Thanks :)

07-02-12, 19:11
Do you have any other symptoms?

I dont know much about the whole carbs being related to the rash thing, it sounds very possible, but maybe theres something else irritating your skin? Have you used any new lotions or body washes?

The only other thing I could think of would be maybe your allergic to something your eating? Are one of the foods youre eating now something you wouldnt usually eat?

That said, if antihistamines and creams work to get rid of the rash I'd say keep on dieting. I've never heard of someone getting ill from eating healthy :)

08-02-12, 06:31
Thanks for answering Dannii. No, nothing new (soaps/detergents/foods etc). Just normal food - lots of veg, meat, olive oil - but no bread or potatoes or sugars basically. No other symptoms at all. It's frustrating to be sure!!!!!

The anti-histamines and cortisone seem to keep it at a tolerable level where I don't want to scratch my skin off at least!