View Full Version : how long?

06-02-12, 01:07
I've been suffering with anxiety since October, according to my Dr. Thing is, how long do anxiety attacks last? Mine seem to be all day, everyday. Is that 'normal' for us with anxiety? It never gives me a break! Any ideas??

06-02-12, 01:20
It varies ...Some people know the reason why they are anxious yet are dishonest with themselves. They characteristically lean on the description of what others' say despite already knowing just what it is they have done.

Yet others' are genuinely confused and haven't a clue. This latter group I have all the time and sympathy in the world for. They are kind, sincere, people who have become engulfed in a cloud of confusion and anxiety and are sincerely without the answer.

And so there is not a: "One size for all" concerning anxiety ...an 'us and them,' as you put it.

A sore conscience will always cause anxiety if unchecked, while for some, they are fine, honest, moral and clean-living human beings who, for no apparent reason are lost.

I'll let you decide which bracket you belong in.

06-02-12, 09:22
Hi Witsend,

Im as confused as you at times. I think Im Ok I wake up feeling OK, but for some reason have weird symptoms of anxiety and don't know why. Feel very nervous a lot of the time. Then its like a viscous circle you start checking those symptoms because you are asking yourself lots of questions, before you know it you are anxious all day long. Nightmare!

It appears to be normal for anxiety sufferers so you are not alone, just in a state of confusion.

I find that putting lavender oil on the cuffs of my clothes and randomly smelling it really helps me has a calming effect. The other thing Is force yourself to go out and get some fresh air along with gentle exercise and just accept if for what it is 'anxiety' and it wont hurt you.

Claire Weekes is a good read 'Self help for your Nerves' suggested to me by a friend I have met on here. Hope you feel better soon and hope I have helped in some way. But keep talking lots of people on here know exactly how you are feeling.

Oh .... and 'How long' who knows...I think we need to be patient and only you can determine that.

06-02-12, 22:12
Thanks for your replies guys. Thankfully my conscience is clear, it's my mind that's the problem. Today has been horrendous. Oh well.

06-02-12, 22:35
It can and does last for months, maybe even for years there is no limit

Its a horrible , life wrecking condition, but you need to write down a path to rocovery and stick with it

If excerise life balance is not working for you, try meds, couciling, dont doubt how good an anti depressiant in a matter of 10 days it made my anxiety go away and brought my life back to normal after suffering on and off for almost 5 years.

If your cracking up completely which 5 months into an episode your probally dealing better, valium can build up in your blood and have you completely calm

very addictive but where the anti depressiants are not,