View Full Version : Am I right or wrong

little kyle
06-02-12, 02:55
Okay awhile back I was losing weight and thought oh my god I have HIV

I came up with something people I am really really bad with energy drink 2 a day somtimes 3 to 4 a day

So I did some searching around and as we all know it's really high in caffeine and boost the matabalisum sorry if I spelt that wrong big word for me

And to why I get hot same thing and the fast heart beat all these could are will be due to the energy drinks I'm downing down everyday and I don't eat a lot as it is

So people can you tell me once am I right or wrong and maybe my panics and anxiety will go forever

Thank you for reading this long post

06-02-12, 03:16
Its likely to be the drinks causing the fast heartbeat. those things arent supposed to be used as regualr drinks. All that concentrated caffeine is going to be sending your body into hyperdrive. And im not even going to go into the longterm effects it could have on your teeth.

You know you drink too many as you have said it yourself, so that would indicate that even by your terms you know its become a problem for you. Maybe you could try just cutting back by one can a day or something. What you are doing is the eqivalet to taking Pro Plus as if its a normal part of your diet.

As for your weight, you just said yourself that you dont eat much. Maybe if you think about it, you already know the answers? If you are looking to have someone tell you that you need to make a few small changes that could make a positive differnce, I dont mind being that person. You need to eat and drink properly. Although your body has similarities to functionin like a machine... it is not a machine. if you want a well mind, it helps to have a well body. Give it what it needs and maybe things will seem a little different? It can do no harm to try? xx

little kyle
06-02-12, 03:32
Thank you I was just looking for that someone to say I was right and I'm not going to drink them as often as I do and I'm well cutting back let my body chill

Thank you so much