View Full Version : Hyperventilation syndrome

06-02-12, 10:19
I know there have been posts on this topic before but I just wanted to see if there was anybody here that suffers with this right now and what they have done about it.
I have had breathing issues ever since I went through a very stressful event a few months ago. At first I thought I had developed Asthma which only fueled my anxiety and kept it going and affected my breathing pattern even more. Two doctors I have seen about this think I don't have asthma.
I have only known about this syndrome for a little while but seem to have a lot of the symptoms: breathlessness that comes and goes, constant sighing and yawning and discomfort in the chest. I know that my breathing rate can be quite fast and that I breathe using my chest rather than the diaphragm.
Can anyone relate to this? I want to just get on with my life and I want to stop constantly thinking about how I'm breathing. :weep:

06-02-12, 14:37
Maybe that is what I have? I have discomfort in my left side back and chest / ribcage which hurts when I take a deep breath. I also feel as if I am constantly assessing my breathing. My breathing no longer seems to come naturally.

I am pretty worried. My HA has gone from lung cancer to throat cancer. I am always convinced that I have something horrendous. Wish it would end


anx mum
06-02-12, 15:13
I know there have been posts on this topic before but I just wanted to see if there was anybody here that suffers with this right now and what they have done about it.
I have had breathing issues ever since I went through a very stressful event a few months ago. At first I thought I had developed Asthma which only fueled my anxiety and kept it going and affected my breathing pattern even more. Two doctors I have seen about this think I don't have asthma.
I have only known about this syndrome for a little while but seem to have a lot of the symptoms: breathlessness that comes and goes, constant sighing and yawning and discomfort in the chest. I know that my breathing rate can be quite fast and that I breathe using my chest rather than the diaphragm.
Can anyone relate to this? I want to just get on with my life and I want to stop constantly thinking about how I'm breathing. :weep:

Hi i can totelly relate to how u r feeling this is by far one of the worse symptoms of anxiety. This symptom controlled my life its by far a living hell the thing that i used to do was go outside try and slow your breathing down. And blow into a paper bag and the biggest thing is try and distrate yourself easier said then done.:hugs:

06-02-12, 22:23
I have this and its absolutely horrible. sometimes it feels like im going to stop breathing if i dont make myself breathe, or my body will forget. Sometimes, after a horrible day of worrying and constantly taking deep breaths I get bad headaches. I actually do have asthma, and when I've taken my inhailer its done little, if nothing, so its not even my asthma acting up.

I'm always afraid to be far from a hospital incase i just stop breathing. My only advice is to tell you your not alone, and it will pass. I'm getting better now after almost 2 months of being deathly afraid of leaving the area I live in for fear of being far from help, also afraid to exercise or do anything that makes me breathe hard.

What I noticed sometimes, it works for me often, if you can bring yourself to it, and you cant slow your breathing down, if you actually work out like jog or run your body will do it for you. I've actually stopped panic attacks and breathing episodes by getting on my exercise bike or doing jumping jacks.

Good luck, and know you're not alone.

06-02-12, 22:33
Thanks Danii,

I have been afraid to exercise too and I used to be so active. I am seeing a doctor about this tomorrow. Having fear really does keep you in a prison.

Thanks again.

---------- Post added at 22:33 ---------- Previous post was at 22:33 ----------

Thanks Danii,

I have been afraid to exercise too and I used to be so active. I am seeing a doctor about this tomorrow. Having fear really does keep you in a prison.

Thanks again.

07-02-12, 00:01
Chronic hyperventilation syndrome

The biggest clue to Chronic Hyperventilation Syndrome is the presence of vague dizziness accompanied by a lot of other seemingly unrelated symptoms, which might include any of the following:

shortness of breath for no apparent reason
frequent sighing or yawning
chest pains
heart palpitations
syncope (fainting)
slurred speech
cold, tingling, or numb lips or extremities
nausea or irritable bowel syndrome
aching muscles or joints, or tremors
tiredness, unsteadiness, or diffuse weakness
restless sleep, insomnia, or nightmares
sexual problems
anxiety or phobias
fear that perhaps you're a hypochondriac
dry mouth
pressure in throat or difficulty swallowing
bloating, belching, flatulence, or abdominal pain
impaired memory or concentration
confusion / disorientation
tinnitis (ringing in ears)
blurred vision, tunnel vision, double vision, or flashing lights
tachycardia (rapid pulse)
erratic blood pressure

So many members have been posting recently about "difficulty breathing", or not being able to take a "deep breath" - together with all the other nasty symptoms they are experiencing.
There is a book by Dinah Shore which is half explanitory and half self help about the above syndrome. Dinah Shore is a physiotherapist from New Zealand who specialises in respitory physio. The book is excellent, easy to read and explains the condition in full and in simple language.

I have suffered with this for years and know how unpleasant and frightening it can be. It also know how it can excaserbate anxiety/panic and spiral into an uncontrollable cycle of misery.

Of course, you should get checked out medically - but if nothing else is found to be causing your breathing problems, please look into this.

I hope this helps.


07-02-12, 01:33
Wow I could have wrote this! I have been dealing with this for months now and firmly believe that this is a cause for my heart skipping, chronic muscle tension and strain in the neck, shoulders and middle back. I get winded too easily. And dizziness, bloating, etc. I think I could highlight about a quarter of those symptoms associated with HS....

07-02-12, 02:03
Yes I defiantly can relate to this! I hyperventilate in crowds,restaurants or when highly stressed. For me I kind of burp in air if you get what I mean. I also yawn alot and take huge deep breaths then panic like crazy when I feel like I cant get one in what is awful!. It then causes chest pains, trapped wind and light headiness.

Today I had it quite bad I was over breathing I felt awfully breathless just from walking down the road. I knew I was hyperventilating as my head felt funny and the way I was gasping in air..

The Dr's say count to 5 breathe in count to 5 breathe out. That doesn't work for me. The only thing I find that calms it down when it starts is to just tell myself it's my anxitey and not that I can not breathe. x

07-02-12, 09:40
When I become aware of my breathing ugh :(
I try and breath into my belly etc . .
But it feels hard , like my chest is too tight or sometimes.
It feels like I'm suffocating .
The only thing that helps is distraction and not focusing on it.
But I wish I could do the deep slow breathing and calm down but I can't , the minute I become aware of my breathing . . . You know ?

07-02-12, 10:07
Ok people - you need to check out this method.


I am giving it a go and it is designed to help people who hyperventilate and breathe incorrectly. The key is not to breathe in through your mouth but through your nose as much as possible. Check it out.