View Full Version : Hard to breathe stress/panic attacks 24/7

06-02-12, 11:12

So I have had a recent reresurfacing of anxiety and panic attacks.
I feel like I can't breathe enough. Every short if breathe er visit. The doctor says he hears no wheezing that my lungs are clear. I have asthma but my peak flow is always good. 650-710. My oxygen levels were always 97%-100%. They give me klonopin or ativan and I calm down.

Its hard to do anything but work. I'd rather trip pipe for 12 hours than take a 30 minute vehicle ride. I hyperventilate and everything. I was prescribed zoloft and klonopin in the past. But am now off if it unless the er gives me a small prescription. I cant get to sleep easy at all. The underlying thing I can't mentally get past is the diagnosed mild asthma. So I always have the thought that I could die. Effectively rendering the "its not gonna kill me" strategy useless.

I feel paralyzed off work. And work is getting uncomfortable due to it.

I wanna know if anyone else can relate and if so knows how to deal with it.
(Typed on phone short and obscure sorry:/

06-02-12, 12:03
Tweakedroughneck -- the good news is that you have been able to pinpoint what it might be that started all this, being diagnosed with mild asthma. New things like that can be scary, so I perfectly understand your fears. I think what might help is if you talk to your doctor and someone else who has this and let them reassure you that you will be ok. It's just something to watch and manage. I can't tell you not to worry because it is easier said than done. But, I really think getting more information about this and reassurance will help ease your symptoms.

I remember one time in college I literally was like you for a whole month. I couldn't breathe, couldn't catch my breath. I finally went to the doctor about it and as soon as he asked me what was going on, I burst into tears. I sat there and told this poor doctor these emotional things I had been going through -- with a boyfriend no less -- and I just cried. He sat there, listened to me. I never forgot it. He then checked my lungs and said I was fine and suggested I go talk to someone. I did, but after that appointment, I didn't have the breathing problems anymore. They are just the product of what is weighing so heavily on our minds.

I really believe you are going to be fine. You are a lot farther than some of us in having an idea what might be causing your symptoms. It's ok to be afraid, when you are first diagnosed with something. But I know, like I mentioned before, your doctor and someone else with this diagnosis can put your mind at ease.

Anyone out there have mild asthma? I think you could really help. :)

Hugs to you, and keep us posted, ok? Hugs, Wiskers ~

06-02-12, 16:28
Yes I know how distressing this must be. Breathing techniques have helped me to clam down during periods of panic. In fact breathing less is the way forward! By increasing the levels of CO2 in the blood breating slows & body becomes more relaxed. Some good breathing excercise can be found on the net. This also reduces the negative thoughts & 'What if' questions?

06-02-12, 16:51
It took me a while to accept that i was over breathing when i felt like i couldnt breath. Holding your breath for ten seconds or whatever you can manage at first is a good way of slowing everything down. Its a horrible feeling when you feel like you cant get a breath, totally sympathise x