View Full Version : I'm Back! An update

18-06-06, 09:23
Well some of you remember me from a few months back. Just wanted tp say that things are SLOWLY getting better.

AS it turns out, after going to the doc I learned that my thyroid levels were Dangerously low--enough to cause me to fall into a coma. Also, this level of hypothyroidism can cause dementia if it continues for too long.

This explains a lot of my really strange feelings. I mean, I still have ongoing anxiety and panic attacks but the deep sadness and fear were unbelievable. I have been on my thyroid meds, and have been doing much better depression wise. I think my thyroid was playing ALOT into my overall anxiety. Since then, I went back to work but as Lady Luck would have it, I am back unemployed and looking again for a job. Oddly enough, I have severe stress but am handling it much better. Of course, the OCD that I struggle with is still terrible and I do battle ongoing anxiety. It's like for some reason, I still get anxious a lot even though I know it's just anxiety.

i also found out that I am battling a systemic infection which I have had for some time and did not know. Right now, I am OK. I deal with a lot of health problems and generally feel rundown. I am going to be tested for cervical cancer. My overall health is poor but I am trying to get better.

I would advise all of you to get tested for thyroid imbalances. Seriously the doc said if I hadn't gone to get tested when I did, prompted by mom, I could've died. YES-thyroid probs CAN be that serious.

So anywhoo, I am moving along. Slow but steady. Hopefully I will land me a good job with GOOD benefits soon.

Still wish I could go about with NO anxiety. I still refuse to take meds for anxiety. I finally got a bottle of Klonazepam but have YET to use it. And I suffer SEVERE PANIC attacks and ongoing uneasiness with a HOST of physical symptoms that seem endless.



18-06-06, 10:17
Welcome back starlet, glad to hear you are making progress. My panic attacks and me depression started as a result of a thyroid op 4 years ago. I know when my thyroid levels are low as i get depressed, i keep my thyroxine at the higher end as i never want depression again!!

Take care

'This too will pass'

18-06-06, 19:56

Welcome back, it looks to me like you have found one of the root causes of this horrible illnes, you are onto a winner, now just to get the rest of it under control throughly and you will be out of the wood, well donw


18-06-06, 21:35
Ok now im freaking. shouldnt have read that :(

19-06-06, 16:22
know exactly what you mean wannabeloved!!!! me neither.

19-06-06, 16:41
er....yep me too.
Is it back down the docs to demand a thyoid test along
with a brain scan, mouth swap....and on and on and on and on.....

Hay x

19-06-06, 16:56
seriously though, I am going to call the Doc & ask for another thyroid test - I am pretty sure he gave me one though 8yrs ago after I had my daughter - and it came back negative. Still, it won't hurt to ask again.

19-06-06, 17:03
I guess you gotta go to the drs for test aswell?? oh well! U know what p***** me off, the fact that i had NO tests at all to confirm it was anxiety. Yes, with my mum being this way, i proberbly did learn her behaviour,but its still scary stuff. i heard a diabetese test should be done, as thats the most popular mix up/ alternative diagnosis thingy.lol, no good at describing! oh well. i guess its just a coma for me :(. Im prob ok though. im not gonna go crazy or into a coma, get dimentia. now im shaking! damn!! NO IM OK. i know i am. i feel, ok~ish.

19-06-06, 17:23
Hey guys. Didn't mean to scare you just helpful advice.
The key to getting the test done RIGHT is to ask for the test results. Alot of times, the thyroid can be slightly off but cause a lot of havoc. Unfortunately, doctors do not go by the same scale. The new scale is
IF YOUR TSH is between .2 and 2 then you should be fine. ANYTHING above 2, you have a thyroid prob. Here in the states, they are still using the old scale of .2 to 5 at some docs. Please ask for your test results. then you can ask the doc to go on a low dosage of meds to see if it helps. My tsh was 80-----one of the highest my doc has seen. I am going to be tested this Saturday to see where I sit. been taking my meds for 3 months. By the way, the dementia I mentioned, that ONLY happens rarely and with LONG TIME low levels.

I still am dealing with anxiety but it's better that it used to be I GUESS.

Hope that clears it up!

Best of Luck!


19-06-06, 17:33
[:O] Maybe I should go and get tested too...[Sigh...]

Take care



19-06-06, 17:34
i cant, well more wont, have mine done, im housebound! and i dont even understand what all this thyroid is! i mean are there symptoms etc? i dont know! i not into the whole health stuff.{you'd think i am lol} how is it checked, a blood test?
Becci x

19-06-06, 22:34
Hia wannabeloved,thyroid problems can cause symptoms similar to anxiety and panic.I am also housebound because of agoraphobia and panic attacks but the district nurse came out and took a blood sample from me on the doctors orders because obviously i cant get in there not just yet anyway.
Take care cherylxx

20-06-06, 14:12
I couldnt even get a dr out to lok in my ear! they just phoned me {and with me saying what a couple of times cos i couldnt hear lol} she just said, well you'll just have to live with it for now untill we can get you to come down to put you forward to a ent specialist. which is great considering it could be something bad! that was 4 months back. still have the ear problem! nice doc eh?! could be sommat serious and they say 'live with it'