View Full Version : pain in lower abdomen

06-02-12, 13:25
Hey all i have this dull pain in my lower abdomen that comes and goes i didnt have it all for a week and the more anxious i have been this week the more i have noticed it..im just stressing that it could be my ovaries but i dont think its that far down,i had a water infection and since that is clearing up i havent felt it so much..it doesnt stop me doing anything when it appears as its not a sharp pain..has anyone else had this??im stressing about having a tumour or something arghhhhhhh i was doing so well with my HA then i had a set back :(

06-02-12, 22:04
Ive got a similar symptom to that, but i just had a c section months ago, and doc sed it felt lyk a weakness in my muscles and a lil hernia, av got an ultra sound scan on wed about it, so will see what the pain is x but ive had it for months sumtyms feels like its stinging, and i get it goin round my back at the lower bit x but any1 can get hernias x

07-02-12, 01:30
Do you have any bowel problems? I had an ache in my lower left abdomen and I had the same worries you have. My doctor said was caused by constipation from IBS.

07-02-12, 07:07
Hey yeah i suffer ibs too so maybe its linked to that as some days i can be fine and others i really notice the pain,its more like a muscle ache though its strange if i stand up quickly it really hurts,also had it since i started dieting! X

07-02-12, 09:14
I suffer from IBS and get pains like that too, they get worse when I'm anxious and worried about going somewhere. Try not to worry but maybe go see a dr to put your mind at rest if you think that would help.