View Full Version : anyone not had bad side effects on this?

06-02-12, 15:28
I've been having panic attacks, ectopics and very bad anxiety for a while now. I went to my GP this morning and he's given me 10mg Citalopram.
I've come home and read the threads on here and now I'm really worried, I don't think I can stand to feel any worse than I do now, it's a real struggle just to get through the day. I don't know if I'll be able to cope with all these side effects.
Is there anyone who hasn't suffered too badly with them?
I took one when I got home and all I feel at the moment is a bit spaced out and drowsy.
I have big problems taking meds, it scares me witless, so I am hoping that someone will be able to say it wasn't too bad for them.

06-02-12, 17:49
My side effects weren't too bad; spaced out for a few days, drowsy (worst 3-4 hours after taking the tablet) and some nausea (peppermint tea helped). I managed to avoid most of the side effects listed in the leaflet though.

06-02-12, 17:55
My side effects were fine. Tiredness and a few headaches but nothing too bad at all. And it was brilliant when they started working!

06-02-12, 18:14
hi dont forget that they list every possible side effect, to cover themselves, it doesnt mean thay we will get all of them. they could last only a few days and the benefits must be worth it.

06-02-12, 19:16
Nothing more than mild annoyances, save for cits well known effects in the bedroom. Had to change technique, go to the gym to get fit enough to last half an hour! Other Nasty effect noticed was a tendency to start the DIY again, but soon fixed that with a cup of tea and a biscuit.

Don't worry, read the leaflet and at least you'll know which side effects you don't have. Oh! Just remembered it does give you the citaloparam yawns.

One of us

06-02-12, 19:33
Thanks everyone. I too had tireness for a few hours cjo20, if I don't get much else I might try taking them at night, it might help me too sleep.
LOL oneof us, don't worry I'll just lie back and think of England in the bedroom!!! Plus I'll remember the remedy for DIY.
Thanks again, you've all put my mind at rest so much.
Chrissie x x x

06-02-12, 22:10
I didnt sleep very well when I took it at night, so changed to mornings and am fine now. Didnt have any other side effects! Just Yawning! Good Luck xx

06-02-12, 23:19
Thanks daintydi, hopefully I'll be ok then x

07-02-12, 00:50
Hi Chrissie,

I started on 20mg and had no side effects- nothing -absolutely nothing !

I even started a thread here on NMP because I was worried that it wasn't working-
as if I needed side effects to PROVE somehow it was working.

I was eventually moved up to 40mg and still had no side effects- really the only effect citalopram had on me was to greatly reduce my anxiety and depression?

It was a good medication for me and I wish I had started it the first time my GP had prescribed it to me- instead I came home and Googled - so I was scared off .

Finally, five long suffering, sobbing months later I started citalopram.
It really helped me !

07-02-12, 02:03
Nearly everybody I know who have used this medication have all had bad side effects.

It's a shame because there are alternatives to this medication.


07-02-12, 08:31
Thanks Bluebelle,
My GP wanted me to have Citalopram weeks ago but I have read so much on hear that I said no. I now have got to the stage where I know I have to get some help with this and your comments have given me the confidence I need to take it. I just wanna get my life back.
Thanks x x

07-02-12, 09:01
How are you feeling today Chrissie? I like this positive post as I have decided I am going to start my tablets at the weekend (I work full-time and don;t wont to fall asleep as work lol). Keep us posted on how you are getting on x

07-02-12, 20:22
Thanks Bluebelle,
My GP wanted me to have Citalopram weeks ago but I have read so much on hear that I said no. I now have got to the stage where I know I have to get some help with this and your comments have given me the confidence I need to take it. I just wanna get my life back.
Thanks x x

Let us know how you get on. Thinking about England is a good idea, they gave Scotland the treatment the deserved at the weekend :-) Most early side effects are likely to be placebic. I felt incredibly good on my first day, but it took about a month to reveal its true self; I am now an addict to MASH and the 4077th.

one of us

13-02-12, 10:01
It's been just over a week now and I am actually starting to feel a bit better. The only real side effect I've had is feeling a bit sick, but it's nothing I can't cope with. I'm just looking forward to feeling normal again and I can't wait for that to happen!!!
Thanks for all your good wishes.
Chrissie x x