View Full Version : Obsessing with Tongue Again

06-02-12, 16:55
Can't stop examining my tongue since Friday. So all weekend I have been panicking because I have noticed things I haven't seen before. I have a red patch on the side of my tongue which hasn't disappeared and that I haven't noticed before.

So, phoned the dentist this morning, told them I had bad toothache so they would make me an appointment, which they did. Went to dentist, saw a different one to my usual dentist, told him I had toothache so he had a look. Then I asked him if my tongue looked alright because it feels sore. He said it looked ok and that I had probably bitten down on it or something. I didn't say that I could see a red patch, I daren't.

Again I felt initially relieved when I came out but now am thinking that he didn't really look at my tongue properly because I had told him that it was my teeth that were the problem.

Do you think he would have noticed if I had anything suspicious on my tongue? Or would he just leave it until I have a proper check up in May?

06-02-12, 17:35
Hello iluvstaffies,

I am sorry you are feeling so anxious, and i do know how difficult it is to release the worry once it has taken hold of you. I am absolutely certain the dentist took a proper look at your tongue, especially since you mentioned to him it was feeling sore. Remember they are specialists and know Exactly what to be looking out for. Try to put your faith in his judgement, and Don't allow yourself to examine your tongue anymore, because all you will do is feed your anxiety. If you can refrain from self checking you will find your anxiety levesl will slowly subside, and rational thoughts will begin to increase. I do understand how you are feeling; it is awful to have that initial sense of reassurance eroded by doubt; unfortunately that is the nature of health anxiety, and the only way forward is to recognise these doubts are nothing more than health anxiety, and to be really self disciplined about not allowing yourself to check.

I hope you will be feeling more confident about things soon xx

06-02-12, 18:52
Hi Rosie

Thank you so much for your reply, it has calmed me down a lot. I know I shouldn't keep examining my tongue, I really do know that but I just can't stop checking it and of course I keep seeing things that I haven't noticed before, then that makes me check even more. It's a vicious circle.

I am going to really try hard not to check. I just feel that if I don't keep checking that something will appear. It's really getting to me at the moment and I don't know why, I just can't seem to control this checking.

06-02-12, 21:17
hello iluvstaffies,

Self checking is like an addiction, and it is really hard to break the habit; as you say it becomes a vicious circle with the checking feeding the anxiety. Try to be really firm with yourself - gradually reduce your checking times. I know it is really difficult since i have battled this one out myself, but if you persevere you will find it becomes easier as the anxiety subsides. Have you got somone who would be willing to check for you? This can help enormously - make sure you set a checking limit and stick to it.

06-02-12, 21:36
It is like an addiction, you are completely right and I do have a tendency to become easily obsessed with things. Am going to try desperately hard to cut down the checking and I mean it this time. Mornings are always the worst for me, I am at my lowest point and I have to start checking immediately on waking up and then that sets my anxiety off for the rest of the day.

12-02-12, 17:15
Am feeling really bad again. Resorted to checking my tongue about an hour ago and have seen a white mark at the side of my tongue at the back. So that's it now. Cant stop looking at it in the mirror, had the torch out trying to see it.

It's only been a week since I went to the dentist so don't want to be going back again. I don't know what to do.