View Full Version : Middle back pain and leg ache???

06-02-12, 18:13
Hi everyone
Me again!! Since walking out in snow last night I have a really dull mild ache in my right side of my back, also my leg on the same side is aching to, have been quite stressed lately but thought I was handling it well, I'm scared I have something wrong with my kidneys, I don't even know where they are exactly but I'm still worrying, i know that I'm ovulating over these few days, maybe could be that, I don't even know why I'm writting this tbh but I'm hoping someone out there can reassure me, I hope you are all ok xxx

06-02-12, 18:24
Hi Leanne - I have that all the time and have been for at least 17 years, mid back pain and leg pain - go hand in hand. Its just referred pain. Is it in your hip - thigh and knee?

06-02-12, 18:37
Yes!!! It is!!! How weird! What's referred pain?? It's on the inside of my knee and the back of my thigh! X thank you do much x

06-02-12, 22:18
Referred pain is a term used to describe pain felt in a different place in the body than that of where the injury or disease is. You could try ibroprofen tablets or gel. If it doesn't ease you could see your GP and see if they will send you for physio.

I do get this from time to time and its usually to do with my hips out of line - and I see a Chiropractor - i have some treatment there but also they get me to use ice where i have pain (only for 5 mins) or heat if I am stiff. I also always sleep on my side with a pillow between my knees - its so simple but you would be amazed what a difference it can make! Hope you feel better soon :hugs:

sherylee xx
06-02-12, 22:41
could it be siatica? xx

07-02-12, 07:12
Thanks guys, It does feel a bit like sciatica, I dunno just me going over board as usual, can't talk to my husband as he gets annoyed with me, thanks again xxxxxx