View Full Version : Fleeting moments of past happiness

06-02-12, 18:22
Does anyone get a very brief fleeting moment, of remembering a feeling of happiness or actually feeling a moment of happiness?
I was looking out the window earlier, at our garden, normally no feelings would come to mind.. nothing seems to excite me at all anymore - and for a brief moment i felt, either a past feeling, or new feeling, but a feeling of excitement , about the world out there, about fun times ive had in my garden, parties etc.... then the feelings gone, like a light switched on and then off again!! seems cruel really to get the odd feeling and then wishing it would come back !!!!

06-02-12, 18:36
Yes I get this from time to time, sometimes I am just daydreaming or something and I suddenly feel a nice memory come into my mind and it feels amazing. Its also sometimes a thought or vision about the future and how I would like my life to be. In that moment I feel so happy, but it usually does not last long and I go back to my normal state.

06-02-12, 18:44
Yes got this yesterday when i took my wee dog a walk in the snow, the sun was shining, and the snow was quite deep, and i thought, what a lovely winters day, so fresh, and everything look gorgeous.......so maybe things are getting better slowly x

06-02-12, 18:57
I have this from time to time, silliest things bring that happy feeling on, i often look out into the back garden while washing up dishes and remember happier times when hubby and i were together, our children younger playing water fights and what not, me joining in and smiling and not really having a care in the world.

Sometimes that calm sort of feeling hits me, its so lovely to feel ''normal'' even if its only for a split second or so... i wonder if its our inner real self peeping through?

---------- Post added at 18:57 ---------- Previous post was at 18:55 ----------

Id love to bottle that feeling. Wouldnt it be so lovely to feel calm and content like that all the time. :)

06-02-12, 19:31
Yeah :)
If I feel down, I think back to when someone asked me out in May last year and if I'm lucky I get that lovely jolt of excitement that I got back then.
Like Mindful says, to bottle that feeling would be wonderful.

miss polly
06-02-12, 19:37
I remember that feeling! I used to get it a lot! A feeling of pure joy would rush through me from my head to my stomach. I can't remember the last time I felt it sadly ~ a long time ago now

07-02-12, 12:38
I get something similar all the time. I'm unhappy with how my life is shaping, and have constant feelings of nostalgia and past memories and feelings hit me. They're often times of me being a child just enjoying life, times i had so much fun in the garden whatever time of year, building dens and playing with toys. Sounds, smells and light levels often set it off. I rarely get outside anymore, and when I do the sound of birds brings on these memories and feelings. When I go outside now I just have this overwhelming derealisation feeling which takes any reality out of it.

07-02-12, 12:52
Yes, I have that but I'm not sure how I feel about it... Nostalgia about feeling good seems quite cruel, doesn't it? And even if it's my reality I still feel upset about not having that good feeling with me all the time so I end up quite angry! Maybe I should just enjoy it, even if it's just for a brief moment... Funny the other day I thought how much I lost a bit of poetry in life, just being able to see beauty in little things like I used to... I find this the hardest...

07-02-12, 15:43
What happened chocaholic if you don't me asking, didn't that lead to more happyness?

eight days a week
07-02-12, 20:39
Oh yes - hang onto them, those moments are so precious!!

It's a glimpse into what awaits you in the future, again. Who knows, maybe even sometime very soon indeed?!

If you don't have them, don't worry. Keep plugging away, find something to inspire you or look forward to, and they will come again I am certain!

For me it was going to see Paul McCartney in December, then Christmas...now I don't have anything to look forward to. It's important, I think, to give yourself something in the future. Also give yourself permission to look forward to something happily!! Often I think we are our own most limiting factors - because of our ingrained ways we actually hold ourselves back from having hope. Don't tie yourself up - release yourself! If only a little bit at first it becomes very rewarding and addictive, and I think we can soon become our own best friend rather than worst enemy :yesyes:

---------- Post added at 20:39 ---------- Previous post was at 20:34 ----------

This is what I'm trying to work towards now after one of the blackest periods of my life, wish me luck please on this journey everyone, as I wish it for all of you :hugs:

07-02-12, 21:21
These "fleeting moments" can sustain us. They momentarily ignite a spark in our heart that makes us smile or fill us with wonder.

It is only if we brood, once these moments evaporate, that these precious moments become unhelpful.

And if we chase after them trying to re-create that very-feeling within ourselves we will fail:) These precious moments come unsolicited and can remind us life really is worth living after all.

I tend to chase after them once I feel them leaving !!!!!! They are so incredible.



08-02-12, 03:04
Yes, this feeling is all too familiar to me as well...it's a kind of bittersweet feeling but I think it just shows that you are a normal, sensitive human being and there's nothing wrong with that:)