View Full Version : Side effects twice?

06-02-12, 18:32

When I first started taking the tablets about a month ago (20mg) I had headaches and felt really tired and had to sleep for a couple of hours in the afternoon. This only lasted a few dats so I was quite relieved to have come through that part. My sex drive and "feeling" were also up and down literally to the point that I didn't even know if I was going to be able to do anything. After 5-6 days I did start to feel a bit different, almost calm. Nothing I was worrying about bothered me and forgot all my stresses and concerns and almost felt at peace with myself. This happened again a couple of times.

The headaches and tiredness passed after a few days and carried on taking them as normal. I did miss a day a couple of weeks ago but read that they have a good half-life so it shouldn't of been a problem as far as I know.

I visited the doctor again for a sick note and upping the dose was discussed, he said it wouldn't be a problem to go up to 30mg but kept it the same.

Thursday just gone I started to get really bad headaches again, and by saturday I was feeling sick with them (like a migrane, but the pain was a little different) I also had what has been referred to on here as brain zaps, where it feels like a jolt of electricity has gone over your forehead. I had two of these on saturday and one on sunday. I cried a lot saturday night and late sunday afternoon, first time in a couple of weeks as I have been able to control my crying which I've had a big problem with.

After feeling a bit ill again on sunday I decided to lay down and read this forum in bed on my phone (namely the big sticky at the top) I then had another calming moment, but this one seemed to stick instead of going after a few minutes. I felt really good and was my old self again. My mood changed a little bit more downwards but has generally been more up than down at the moment, I'm laughing jokey and a bit happier which seems very odd feeling that way again.

I really could rattle on for ages but will stop there.

But each time after getting some side effects I seem to have come out the otherside more like my old self, and at the moment seem to be able to hang on to that person.

Is that normal, usual or what? just trying to get my head around what is happening as I never actually expected to feel like my old self again.

Thanks for reading.

06-02-12, 18:39
Yes, you have only been on the cit for a month or so, so still early days for you.

The fact that you have had some relief from them is a good sign, i would'nt worry too much you seem to be going in the right direction, good luck xx

06-02-12, 18:55
Thanks, I've been how I am for about 12+ years and never did anything to try and regain my old self, living on my own in a rut of doing nothing. Then I got back with an old girlfriend and everything was great for a while, but unfortunately my old feelings and attitude came back and couldn't shake them, did my best to try and fight it but was losing each day so decided to move out for everyone in the households sake and to save our relationship, went to the doctors the next day and he gave me the tablets after being honest with the test they make you take.

I'm at the rattling on stage now always want to talk and chat, need to find a counselor who looks lots of cups of tea so I can just go off on one.

06-02-12, 21:22
Don't worry about rattling, that's what we're here for, we all like to get things off our chest.

You will get there but it takes time xx

william wallace
07-02-12, 14:43
I'm always up for a good rattle:D

But seriously, these brain zaps are a good thing. Feels wierd I know but it's receptors shutting down in your brain. Thats what SSRI's do:)