View Full Version : does it feel wrong to feel good?

18-06-06, 11:07
I am just sitting here again tonight tryin to rationalise my thoughts and i have to ask if anyone else thinks the same way i do
My headache feels a little bit better today thank god after nearly 4 straight weeks, stil goin doc tomorrow anyway jsut to make sure, i am trying to convince myself it just the ha........ but........ i just want to no if anyone sits there when they do feel fine and have no symptoms and goes oh my god i feel normal i feel happy and you feel like there is something wrong with you because you feel good???
i hope you can understand this. like the other day my friend and i were on the net reading all these funny things and just being stupid and i thought whats wrong with me why am i laughin so much, has somebody spiked my coffee. what is that????
i try to feel normal and when i do i think that it's not because i am normal but because something is wrong with me
oh god i hope that made sense if anyone else gets this please reply :)

18-06-06, 11:14
Unerstand completely Kiss, when I feel happy and good with myself I think 'what's wrong?' but I am trying to adjust my thinking now, to accept the positive and think positive and speak positive. It's great that you had a good time with your friend, and to know that THAT is normal!

Take care

'This too will pass'

18-06-06, 11:15
hi daisybun
thanks heaps for that cause i seriously thought oh god i really am crazy thinking stuff like that but i no i not the only one :)

18-06-06, 11:17
No hun you're not the only one, I think its natural when you are used to feeling bad and ill all the time to think that something is not normal when you do feel good, that is what anxiety does. But to feel good is normal and i want more of it.

Take care

'This too will pass'

18-06-06, 11:19
me too its making dp hard to control when it's so hard to just feel good ..... i try so hard and get let down because i just cant stop it but thanks heaps again it means alot to no that its just all these stupid symptoms and not a sign of anything else :)

18-06-06, 11:23
That's OK hun, just keep holding onto that thought, it is just the symptoms, they can't hurt me, float through it and just visualise yourself the other side, or when you were laughing with your friend at the stupid stories, that can help too.

Take care

'This too will pass'

18-06-06, 21:07
claire weekes talks of this often and yes you are right, it is so long that i have felt good that when i do i fear it is the calm before the stoem

it is as though we will not let ourselves be happy



18-06-06, 21:21
i think when we have anxiety for a long time we have forgotton what it is to feel normal

so in answer to your question - does it feel wrong to feel good - then NO

enjoy it and eventually you will start to feel good more


........life is for living not just for surviving

18-06-06, 21:43
Hi Kiss, I totally understand what your saying. I think we get so use to feeling horrible, that when we feel good, Its not normal for us. But really the not normal for us, is the way we should be feeling. So go with it and enjoy the good feelings.

Hope this makes sense?

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

18-06-06, 23:17
Thanks again guys as usual after readin ur replies i always feel better
i dont no what i'd be doin if i hadnt found this site

your right i need to just think about it when i feel happy and just say everything is fine there is nothing wrong just enjoy it.. it will be hard but i need to i think we all do otherwise i really will end up crazy and i just just to have some quality in my life as im sure you all do

strive for one day at a time :D

thanks heaps
mwah xxxooo

13-05-08, 17:54
OMG! thats exactly how i keep feeling! Sometimes if i do have a good afternoon for example, i almost feel a fraud like ive been caught out skiving from school!! Other times i think, do i want my partner to see im feeling happier this afternoon because he might then assume im better and not be sympathetic/supportive when/if i feel bad again!!!!
I feel really guilty writing this.....

15-05-08, 17:58
Hiya People
OMG! I thought that I was the only one whom felt like this, when I feel good, I think I feel a bit too good and I then start waiting for something bad to happen, or to hear some bad news, my fella says I am addicted to feeling miserable and I am not happy until something or somebody upsets me! I think it is all part and parcel of the anxiety spectrum.
On my good days which are becoming more and more frequent now, I start feeling really brave (oer!) and think so what if I have a panic attack and die at least its better than staying in worrying about it ! I then feel guilty for being brave and think that I am going to get a major payback for taking on the monster (being too big for my boots)
what am I like? its completely bonkers isn't it? but I think that this is a sign that things are getting better, we blame ourselves for nervous/anx disorders but if we developed say kidney disease or something we would not blame ourselves and we certainly wouldn't stop ourselves getting better and hold back.

I have completely lost touch with what I am trying to say now but I think this is part of it.

Love to all



15-05-08, 21:21
I cant believe there are others like me!!!

I just feel weitd when I feel ok and I dont like the feelings - and kiss, I have also thought has somebody spiked my drink because I feel happy - then I worry about it which then turns intoa panic