View Full Version : Back on Citalopram

06-02-12, 19:24

In 2010 I had a very bad bout of Depression. I suffer from ocd, depression and anxiety. I took citalopram and it helped, after it kicked in. Thing is I took it probably for about one year and then came off. I am now going through a low period, not as bad as before but still bad enough. I went to the doctors today, had a chat and we decided to start me back on them but to stay on them for as long as I need them. I have been on tablet twice before and each time I came off them as soon as i felt better instead of leaving it until fully better.

So tomorrow is the first day back on citalopram.

Wish me luck!

06-02-12, 19:27
good for you.. lets hope your back to feeling good before you leave for spain.x

06-02-12, 19:32
Good luck :hugs: xx

06-02-12, 19:58
Good luck

I did that came off them when I felt better was only on them 6 months this time last year I was doing well on them. If only I had stayed on them :huh:

Let us know how you get on :yesyes:


07-02-12, 23:17
Thanks everyone, so I took my first citalopram last night. I have decided to take them at night due to the dizziness I felt last time. A couple of hours after I took it I felt a little sick and dizzy but that was it!

So today has been ok, felt ok but that's mainly because I have been very aware and trying to stop any intrusive thoughts before they took hold. This evening sadly I wasn't as aware and let one slip through. I was on edge already due to a news report and then watching a tv programme I had some intrusive thoughts. I started to question them as normal but I have just tried to not question and leave the thought. It's hard because its against my normal reaction but I know it wont help to keep ruminating so i'm trying to not think of it.
How's everyone else doing on the medication?

08-02-12, 10:45
Hi Hallam

I really hope the citalopram works for you, what dose have you started with? I'm back on citalopram and just past the 5 week mark, first week I started on 10mg and it was awful but I jumped to 20mg the week after. I'm only starting to feel like they might be working, I have bad and better days but hopefully in a few weeks time I'll be back to my best. If you ever need help Im always a pm away

08-02-12, 12:08
yes i did this came of cit too soon, and had a major relapse, the thing is when we feel better we want to be meds free, and sometimes it's the meds that are making us feel better....so good luck starting your cit again, i took mine at night, and slept like a log xx

08-02-12, 12:44
Thanks Chillihead and Pinkdove.

I have started on 20mg, yeah I do remember it takes quite a few weeks to start working.
Yes as soon as I felt better I wanted to come off them which was a mistake really.
Thing is in April I am going back to Spain to work for the summer. I am worried about whether I will be able to get citalopram over in Spain as I am there for about 6/7 months.
Anyway I seem to be doing ok with the side effects at the minute so thats ok.

08-02-12, 14:12
How many weeks did it take for you last time, will you be upping your dose?

08-02-12, 14:25
Hmm I think it was about 4 or 5 weeks before I started to feel the relief from the tablets.
I think I may have gone up to 30mg before but I never went up further than that.

13-02-12, 15:43
Just wondered if anyone else has these feelings I have started to see. On Saturday night I was getting ready to get into bed and I started to think "why are we on the earth" and "what is living all about?" and then I was wondering where I will go when I die and how odd it is to me that people die and that they are no longer there.

Then today I was waiting for an interview for a temp job and I was watching out of the reception window and I just had this odd feeling that everything was going on all around me and I was in a kind of bubble. I just felt disconnected like I wasn't really there. I am finding it increasingly difficult to concentrate also whether it be writing or reading.

Just wondered if anyone else found this? x

13-02-12, 16:01
I just felt disconnected like I wasn't really there.

Detached my doctor calls it. Yes i get that often.

16-02-12, 22:44
So lately I have been having odd feelings of detachment and feeling as though I don't really understand the meaning of life and why we are here. To be honest I am not so worried about that - After 7 years of dealing with OCD and the scary intrusive thoughts of hurting children nothing else really bothers me. I can kind of handle any other thoughts as long as it doesn't contain me hurting anyone.

Anyway I don't know if I've mentioned it before but the main places I worry are when im lying in bed (tends to be in the morning when I've woken up because I read before bed to the point of falling asleep so I don't have to think) and the other place is in the shower. Places where I don't have distractions so I have been trying to change it so I get up straight away in the morning and I will listen to a podcast when in shower but tonight I went in the shower without a distraction and really worked myself up. I have been on the tablets for 10 days now, is it still too early to see any improvement?

16-02-12, 22:48
Hey,it normally takes a few days to kick in!Well Done and good luck!xx