View Full Version : ok need to man up

06-02-12, 19:41

Back to hospital tomorrow with my husband for appt with consultant .
Every time we have been in the past month or two has been even more bad news .
I know the theory and we are hopeful and realistic for the future .
But my body defies me . I shake and get all these bloody awful symptoms of anxiety. panic thank goodness I can keep at bay for a while . but I retch and shake so bad it is noticeable .
hardly helpful for the man I love in supporting him is it ?

please anyone got any tips for tonight and tomorrow to keep me up to being the wife I must be here . ?

thank you :hugs:

06-02-12, 20:04
Aw so sorry you and hubby are going through tough times x

Probably the worse times to keep it together cause even a non anxious person would be anxious and struggle. :(

My advice is to not be too hard on yourself, dont pressure yourself into having to not panic, accept that you will and stand beside him anyway. x

06-02-12, 20:37
Aww Snoogoose like Mindful said dont be too hard on yourself, your hubby will appreciate knowing that you are beside him every step of the way.

Have you talked to him about this at all? Sometimes we put ourselves under so much pressure trying to be what we "think" others want us to be.

Although it is your husband that has the disease it is affecting you both and you need help and re-assurance just as much as him.

You sound as though you have a very solid relationship and I am sure that he is truly grateful because of your resistance to your anxiety and not in spite of it.

Take care honey and I have no doubt that there are loads of people here on NMP wishing you well.

06-02-12, 20:53
Snowgoose, you are alovely lady, with kind words and support for so many on here....myself included, and you will do your husband proud.

Just want to widh you both all the very best and good luck for tomorrow you deserve it xx

06-02-12, 21:50
Mindful..Elen ..and Pinkdove

thank you for replies and kindness. Think I am playing on a loop here with same fear all the time .
I post .......wish I hadnt ...........then get comfort from you that really helps to get stuff into proportion .........:blush:

It is connecting with others that helps most isnt it ? No one else gets it but you forum folk . :hugs:

thank you and hope you are feeling peaceful this evening .xxxx

07-02-12, 13:14
Hi snowgoose,
You posted a lovely message to me when I was scared about my son's operation and I just want to say that you are a very brave and kind person :hugs:As others have said, don't be hard on yourself... you are going through a stressful time and it's ok to feel nervous. I'm sure your husband knows that you are trying your best and that you are standing next to him so be kind to yourself! I wish you the best of luck !!:)

07-02-12, 13:28
Hi snowgoose you've posted some lovely caring reassuring replies to some of my threads so i just wanted to send you huge :hugs: i can't even begin to imagine what you are going through but yet you still give your time to help others on here, you truly are an amazing person :hugs: xx

07-02-12, 13:35
hey snowgoose....you and your hubby are having a really tough time at the moment,yet you still find time to give others encouragement and understanding.I agree with everyone else....please dont give yourself a hard time about your physical reaction at the hospital.....it is only to be expected.....
just being there for your husband is most definitely enough...you,re going through this together
I prey you get some good news,bless you both xxx

07-02-12, 13:38
Thank you so much for lovely kind words mmb ,sick and tired and Nicola xx
All the replies helped hugely and I carried them in my mind this morning and didnt add to my lovely fellas stress thank goodness.
Good appt with doctor and very reassuring that treatment will still go ahead regardless of further scan results .
Every single one of you are diamonds . Off to cook a curry for tea now to celebrate :yesyes:

So hope everyone is having better day and feeling some peace .

07-02-12, 14:30
I don't know the story .
But honestly I find I usually cope much better than I think I will.
It's ok too if you need a good cry , I cried durning one of appointments .
I was anxious n just got overwhelmed .
So if that happens its ok , it's healthy and you'll better afterwards .
Have some positive thoughts , just repeat it over in your mind :)
You are strong , you can do this :)
Scents like lavender can help too or anything you find comforting really.
You may find once you're back home that your more anxious.
Usually a nice cup of tea helps me .
I tend to shake when anxious lol it seems to help get rid of the extra adrenaline .
I'll be thinking of you tomorrow :)
I hope all goes well .
Maybe If you get anxious you can have an imaginary conversation with people on NMP n think of all the nice positive and calming replies we would give you :)
Sounds silly but I do this at times ;)

07-02-12, 15:06
hi snowgoose so glad the appointment went well, you must feel so relieved it is over, and you were a good support to your lovely fella.....well done.

hope you have a calmer day today and well done......enjoy your curry, and all the best to you and your lovely fella xxx

07-02-12, 23:56
Well Done Snowy ,,:yesyes:So pleased it went well for you both.Hope you both enjoyed your Curry and had a relaxing evening .:hugs:Luv Sue xx