View Full Version : Wake up gasping for air?

06-02-12, 19:58
Do anyone else get this? On rare occassions, last night being 1 of them - which i was drinking last night too, i was awake from 2:30-4:30 with panic attacks from drinking, but i woke up somewhere in this time gasping for air....

Can anyone comment please? Freaks me out. It happens once in a great while...

06-02-12, 20:07
Alcohol is REALLY bad for anxiety sufferers. I went out on Saturday night and drank way too much and felt like crap yesterday and really anxious all day with a tight chest and breathlessness. Gasping for air is a main symptom of panic attack and alcohol will make the symptoms worse..

07-02-12, 04:17
I get this even without drinking. It used to be worse, but in the past month or so I've only got it once or twice, it scared me enough to not want to go back to sleep.

Alcohol suppresses your breathing, and might add to it, but like the above post, it definitely increases anxiety in the long run.

07-02-12, 20:28
Thank you guys so much for replying...it's so weird! And scary!

08-02-12, 09:00
I went through a spate of suffering from this a few years ago (also without alcohol). Lasted about a year. It would only be once a week or fortnight but it was scary. I wondered how i could wake up gasping for air when i was asleep and relaxed - but i wasn't relaxed!

Worry not - it will pass, and the worst that will happen is you'll feel jittery after the episode.

08-02-12, 10:36
I have had this a couple of times in the last month...It is definitely scary! I feel like I don't want to go back to sleep afterwards. Did anyone else feel like they were choking? It is horrible!

rachael t
08-06-12, 22:00
Hi wondering if its same as ive been having woke up.sudenly gasping/choking like i couldnt breathe is this simular