View Full Version : Funny, numb feeling in forehead, is this normal?

06-02-12, 20:42
Sorry, I feel a bit silly, this is my second thread today, I guess I'm having a bad day.
I had it last night as well whilst I was feeling very anxious but since about 2 o clock today I've had an odd numb-ish slightly tingly feeling in my forehead. Not completely numb as I can still feel my forehead, it just feels like the skin is thicker almost and when I touch it I can't feel it quite as much as I normally can. Ocassionally it moves into the very top of my left cheek as well. I've just recovered from a cold so I don't know it it's related but I've never had sinus problems before.
The way I'm feeling at the minute there's no grey area between things being fine and something being the symptom of some terrible illness. I've been worrying about it a lot so I don't know if this has made it worse and I've probably made it worse by constantly moving my forehead to prevent it from going numb.
Can anyone reassure me about this? I'm freaking out a bit :(

sherylee xx
06-02-12, 22:00
omg i have the same thing as you right now!! my left cheek and eye feels exactly how you described and i have just got over a cold too i think i have sinus issues as i get alot of pressure behind my nose and pain ect, i have had that feelin on my fore head aswell, im currently freakin out over the cheek numbness though and i get the odd pain there too, seriously i could have written your post myself lol xx

07-02-12, 17:00
I sometimes get this, I think it's normal. It has freaked me out before when I've been feeling anxious, but I think that's just because I'm hyper-sensitive to any odd sensations. When I'm not anxious it doesn't bother me at all. x

07-02-12, 17:13
I have this at the moment, I'm assuming it's because of the meds

19-04-16, 13:01
Hi guys. I have been having this too, a numbness on the left side of my forehead, especially when I have to deal with something mentally demanding, or I have to think hard about something. Personally, I think it is due to the accumulation of mercury in my brain, as I have had 8 mercury amalgam filings in my mouth since I was around 8 or so. I removed them all back in 2002, after doing a lot of heavy metal research lately and realizing that those fillings were emitting mercury vapors continuously and I was ingesting them day in and day out. After having them in my mouth for about 34 years, I am thankful that I still operate as well as I do. Other people have been crippled by mercury poisoning and ended up with Chron's, MS and other diseases like that.
I am now researching heavy metal detox protocols and found that ALA is considered one of the very few chelators that are able to cross the blood-brain barrier and escort the mercury out. If you take ALA, make sure you have also enough fiber in your diet to flush out the mercury that gets into your stomach. Also, that you have done a liver-kidney cleanse, so that the body can excrete the heavy metals once chelated. I have found very good heavy metal-detox advice here:
and here:
This guy also knows his stuff and can help guide us to total health:
Robert Cassar on youtube

All the best, Michael