View Full Version : Exhaustion, breathless, quick pules -for WEEKS! Now sharp pain in chest breathing in!

06-02-12, 21:57
Hi everyone (again) Please don't hate me for posting again on this, it's serrriously been bothering me, especially since I had my cardio treadmill test a week or so ago and the nurse was saying how my ECG was 'abnormal' and I haven't heard back. I rang today and the cardiologist's secretary said he had sent a letter back to my GP, I rang the GP and the receptionist said it hadn't arrived yet.

Anyway, the sheer physical exhaustion and breathless feeling is still carrying on, and doing little things feels like I've just run a marathon -including chatting and interacting with people (which I'm not doing a whole lot of right now anyway)
And now I was just in the kitchen and I was taking a couple of deep breaths and I got a sharp pain in the middle of my chest and a little to the left when I breathed in. It just happened a couple of times but it bothered me as I tend to jump to the wrong conclusions!

As regards the exhaustion I'm starting to wonder if I've got post viral fatigue. Anyone had experience with this?

06-02-12, 22:55
Hi again,

The fact that you're waiting for test results will make you anxious anyway and make all these feelings worse. Also I'm guessing that if they are not in any hurry to get your results back to your surgery than nothing serious is going on. Think of it that way. I am sure that your breathlessness and chest pain is totally psychological and that your heart is fine.