View Full Version : occupational health

06-02-12, 23:23
Hi...I have been on phased return to work last 4 weeks due to anx/panic/breakdown in November. Referred to OHS but refused to travel to see them due to some ongoing agoraphobic issues. They have finally agreed to contact my GP and will take it from there. Today I get an urgent call from HR, the OH doctor wants a telephone call to discuss my issues tomorrow. Anyone know what I should expect them to ask? Is there any way I can prepare for this, or what they expect from me? I have nothing to hide, just not that good talking to people and very anxious at the moment :wacko: Thanks for listening. Anyone been here before who can advise me?

william wallace
07-02-12, 09:23
Just be yourself, answer the questions. OH are impartial:)

07-02-12, 10:44
I had a call about a month ago from them, and I was the same as you pretty nervous. But the woman I spoke to was extremely nice and genuinly seemed to care. She just asked a bunch of basic questions then put them in a report and asked if she was ok to send that report to my boss.

On another note I have an Attendance Management meeting today, I'm not too worried about but pretty pissed off as it's not easy to get to my work (20 miles away and don't drive) and they only usually last 10-15 mins. I asked to do it over the phone but they inisisted I go in :mad:

Sorry for ranting in your topic lol.

07-02-12, 17:47
Thank you both for your replies. Had the assessment today, the Dr. said I had explained myself really well and she seemed to ask the right questions. Has suggested some ways my employers can help in my recovery and will send me a copy of her report prior to my employer seeing it just in case she has mis=interpreted anything I said. Seems fair enough, just playing the waiting game now.

No probs with the rant Corona89...it's good to get things off your chest sometimes, management can be pretty impersonal to our thoughts and feelings eh? Good luck with it anyway :)

william wallace
07-02-12, 17:53
Well done, was'nt so bad was it?:)

07-02-12, 17:59
Thank you both for your replies. Had the assessment today, the Dr. said I had explained myself really well and she seemed to ask the right questions. Has suggested some ways my employers can help in my recovery and will send me a copy of her report prior to my employer seeing it just in case she has mis=interpreted anything I said. Seems fair enough, just playing the waiting game now.

No probs with the rant Corona89...it's good to get things off your chest sometimes, management can be pretty impersonal to our thoughts and feelings eh? Good luck with it anyway :)

Glad it went well, my meeting was fine (only lasted 5 mins!). Was good seeing people again as well. I know what you mean about impersonal, my old boss last year told me "for a young guy your off alot, I mean it's not like you have a broken leg, you should be coming to work". Nice thing to hear on my first day back.

07-02-12, 23:31
Well done, was'nt so bad was it?:)

Not at all...made me very emotional though, re-living the early days of my breakdown and realising how far I have come :ohmy:

BTW, read some of your posts WW, you are a comical guy, made me laugh and that's therapy in itself lol. I'm sure others feel the same regarding your wit, and yeah, you look alot like Mel Gibson in your avatar....is that wishful thinking or really you :roflmao:

william wallace
07-02-12, 23:54
The best way to get into a ladies undergarnish is to make her laugh:Dand, I'm by far more hansome than Mel Gibson, even though I'm old enough to be his big brother:)

08-02-12, 00:07
lol....thanks for cheering me up tonight. How did you get to become an 'Advanced Member' may I ask, charm or wit? :winks:

william wallace
08-02-12, 00:15
Once you have 800 posts you get an advanced member logo beside your name, and a salary of £30,000 a year:)

08-02-12, 00:22
Wow.... I'd best get posting haha!!