View Full Version : PDSD

07-02-12, 05:24
i've recently been diagnosed with Complex PTSD, also called Prolonged Duress Stress Disorder. neither my pyschiatrist or GP wants to deal with me - they've simply put me on the highest doses of anti-anxiety and antidepressant meds (and more than one of each). my plea's for some sort of effective therapy such as EMDR or CBT are ignored and i don't have the money to seek out a private professional therapist. the medication barely keeps me sane - i've had two breakdowns and made three suicide attempts, all resulting in brief stays in psychiatric units which didn't help. symptoms aren't just emotional - i wish they were - they're actually physically very painful. anyone know what i'm talking about? any advice about how to cope would be appreciated.

08-02-12, 01:32
Hi jlo

Welcome to the forum.
I too have CPTSD, horrible isn't it? especially when you are not offered any help other than meds. Have you been referred to your NHS mental health team? although the waiting list is long at least you will feel help is on its way. Has your gp surgery got a counsellor working for them, even though you only get 6wks it will at least be someone to talk to about how you feel. PTSD makes you feel alone, lonely & very scared, keep nagging your gp there must be something they can do to help.

When i was diagnosed I was lucky enough to be able to pay for private therapy as unfortunately the waiting list in my area was 6-12mths & only provided 6 sessions of cbt. My psychologist & I did a mixture of talking & emdr therapy followed by cbt. I realise this is not possible for you but I am willing to share with you what i learnt from my psychologist.

These are the things she encouraged me to do -

talk, talk, talk!

write down how you feel, write anything & every thing that is whirling around in your head
write your 'story' this is a difficult one. start off slowly, write as much as you can but stop if it starts to trigger you & do some grounding exercises (to follow) read & re-read your story over & over again, make more notes, over time it will get easier to read & will be less emotionally charged for you
practise grounding exercises - meditation -most towns have groups who meet & will give you instrucions on this
join a yoga or pilates group
use deep breathing exercises, inhale through your nose for 5, exhale out your mouth for 8, do regularly when anxiety or panic strikes
spend time looking after yourself, go out for coffee, treat yourself to a slice of cake, go for a brisk walk, do some form of exercise, meet with positive thinking friends-negative ones will only drag you down further, go for a sauna or Jacuzzi, swim, have a massage - if touch from others is difficult for you, start with your hands or feet or head

There are a number of mental health charities that will help with therapy depending on where you live, contact 'Mind' or 'Anxiety UK' for more info.

I hope that is a help to you, take care of yourself & keep writing here, there will be others who can help too. :bighug1:

11-02-12, 22:22
many thanks for your words of advice. you've given me much to think about - just to know i'm not the only one suffrereing in this way gives me hope. thank you, sincerely.

12-02-12, 01:51
Hi JLO34, sorry you are having a rough time with it, I have suffered from ptsd for a long while, I see a psychiatrist, and take medication for it. Although I have not rid myself of it, I have to stay withit for my children.
You have gone through rough times havent you? The very fact that you have pulled yourself through, says a lot about you. You ARE worth believing in, life is worth living, remember there is a reason for you surviving, I believe that maybe there is someone that NEEDS you, maybe your family, or an organisation that takes volunteers? Try to stay in focus, make yourself a list (im a fine one to talk!!!) maybe just of 3 things you would like to do, or people you think may need your help - and try to do at least 1 thing from that list this week, see what happens... also distract yourself, be it, a book, a bus journey, a walk with a dog, or a craft project, this may help. take care, and you are a lovely person, that is just a bit lost - so dont beat yourself up, make yourself do something for you this week! .... try to smile, it works! x

12-02-12, 18:49
been there !!

annette has given you some great advice ...if there is a physical pain element to your CPTSD I would suggest book by claudia gilbert and anne wetmore on cbt for ptsd ...good section on pain in that one

I can send you a copy of it as I have used it extensively now

pm me if you feel it might help

18-03-12, 12:18

I have a ComplexPTSD diagnosis.

Does your have any connection with being a war vet; it's just that their are charities that can help if that were the case. Before I managed to get nhs help (18months wait) I used to phone up a director of one such charity and he kindly let me talk even though I have no conection to the forces, but there are no PTSD charities that aren't war related. He also offered to use his contacts to find me discounted private therapy.

Otherwise it might be worth contacting The Retreat in York, they will take referals from out of the area, you'd have to go backwards to ask your Doctor to refer you to them.

My therapist is also a fan of Buddhist mindfulness and I suggest you youtube some Mindfulness meditations.

And I'm a big fan of Art therapy.

I went to see my MP recently and complained about how the main incident that has caused my PTSD was handled by the police and to recommend changes to police response. She has taken me seriously where all the police contacts I ever tried to use fobbed me off completely. The difference this has made to my Mental Health has been massive. I of course don't know if you can find a parrallel, but there's something in there about empowerment.

All the best to you. You're not on your own with this