View Full Version : Waiting for mri results, and when to ring

07-02-12, 10:22
I had an mri of my brain 9 days ago now, the waiting is driving me insane, I don't know whether to ring to see if my results are available yet but then again I'm too scared too! Don't know what to do :(

07-02-12, 10:25
Just give them a ring. When I had my MRI the nurse said "we might call you back in to the office, but don't worry" and I though oh hell what do they know I don't!? I gave them a ring and it was all fine, as I am sure yours is!

07-02-12, 10:32
I think whats worrying me is seeing the letter drop through the door as the neurologist said that if all is ok he will refer me back to my docs, so I know if I have a follow up at the hospital its bad news, scaring myself stupid every morning waiting for the postman

07-02-12, 12:05
9 days is a long time. If there was something amiss, I think you would probably have heard by now tbh.

08-02-12, 11:14
Finally plucked up the courage to ring for results only to find out that neurologist and his secretary are on annual leave! Till next week

11-02-12, 11:38
I am in such a state now about these results, Ive got horrid shooting pains in my arms and legs, sore elbow joints and my left hand is sore and stiff, I can't eat, can't sleep I'm beyond scared :(

11-02-12, 11:47
Hi Jade

Know how your feeling hun......got recall for mammogram on tuesday....then waiting (AGAIN) for results!!! It takes over your life completely consuming your every thought!

A hug coming your way!:hugs:

16-02-12, 04:36
My heart really does go out to you. Its bad enough having HA,then when you have to wait and wait for test results you get yourself into a state.Im sure you woukdnt wait long if there was something not right so my guess is your fine.. Keep us posted and take care xxxxx

16-02-12, 11:57
Well still no results, rang yesterday to be told results can take weeks to come back, however she was able to tell me that the report had been done and she was waiting for the neurologist to dictate a letter to her, so the wait continues

16-02-12, 13:29

I hate waiting for results, but I can assure you if it was anything urgent you would have had a call by now!! Hope that helps x

16-02-12, 13:35
I hope so Sazziesaz, my horrid symptoms tell me otherwise though

16-02-12, 14:09
waiting is awful isnt it,but im sure you would have heard by now if it was a problem, dont you hate it when you are watching the phone to ring after you have had tests, sometimes if you pop out you get a witheld number and convince yourself its the hospital calling with terrible news,try to stay calmxxxx

22-02-12, 11:04
Well a week on from my last post and still no damn results!! I am really going to lose my mind, feel so ill, cramps, aches, twitching, shooting pains, prickling, numb face, can't take anymore and daren't call as the receptionist is very rude and I can't cope with someone being horrible to me. It just feels so unfair, that they have all the answers and I don't

24-02-12, 14:14
I rang again in the end, to get a message saying the department was being reorganised and no one could take my call. I left a message and still no one has got back to me. Wondering if I should get my own gp to chase up. I'm in such a state how am I suppose to function normally, run a home look after my children with the unknown hanging over me. Its been nearly a month now :(

macc noodle
24-02-12, 14:19
This is unacceptable.

Call your GP today and ask them to intervene - they should not leave you hanging like this. I think though that you can interpret the lack of communication as a positive outcome for you since they are hardly likely to leave someone with a problem hanging on.

Irrespective of reorganisation in a department they must have weeded out the ones that need treatment from those that are fine.

Macc N


24-02-12, 14:41
Jade, I feel for you so much. I too am wating on results...can't eat, can't sleep can't function. However that is so very long for you and maybe you could really make a stand and persevere at them until you get an answer. I am sure that there is nothin wrong...they would definately not wait a month for anything serious but it is not doing your health any good now and so I would sooooooo demand some sort of answer. Best of luck, you will be fine. Thinking of you. X

24-02-12, 15:36
Thanks so much for your kind words, my main fear is ms as I have ongoing persistent symptoms and I made it worse by googling about how long mri results take, anyway something on netdoctor came up saying they had waited 5 weeks and got diagnosed with ms :( damn google. Every day for the last few weeks Ive spent the morning feeling anxious waiting for the postman, then feeling angry and tearful when nothing has arrived. Just want my life back and not to have to wake up anxious every morning :(. Anyway its Friday, my children are home from school so time to put on my happy face mask until the anticipation of the postman tomorrow morning. Then if nothing I'm thinking of making an appointment with the doc first thing Monday morning and demand they ring up and find out there and then.

Valley bear, good luck with your results x

24-02-12, 17:54
Really good idea to make an appointment with Dr....he will be able to find out what stage they are at at least and there is no way that he will not understand your anxiety. Enjoy your lovely children and make your mind up to do something about the situation next week (at least it makes you feel that you have some power over it ). Dr Google is a no no! but I am just as bad when I am looking for reassurance.......should have learned that it is always worst case scenarios that welatch on to , it's a symptom of the HA. Let us know how you get on. Hugs:hugs:

25-02-12, 02:44
And on a non-HA related note...

This behaviour is sadly typical of the NHS. They never bothered to give me any results from my 24hr holter monitor. If I hadn't phoned I still would have nothing a month later, and the automatic follow-on appointment hasn't even been booked. They seem technically competent but their 'customer service' is absolutely abysmal. I guess HA suffers will generally feel unwilling to chase things for fear of seeming too eager, but it's really the only way to get them to tell you anything at all.

Remember they're meant to be there to help you, not as a favour, but by right. Even if they often give the impression you're there to help them...

29-02-12, 11:59
Haven't feeling too bad the last couple of days. Had got it into my head that I will cope no matter what the results are. But today feel awful, spaced out, dizzy, my heart is racing, arms feel weak, hands are stiff and tingly. Just want to scream and cry. I hate it!!!!
Rang my gp yesterday, he is ringing me on Friday so I can discuss with him about chasing my results up.

Just want to get on with my life :(

29-02-12, 12:22
Hi Jade I just want to say of anything serious was flagged you would know by now. My dad had a X-ray yesterday morning and by 4pm had a phonecall to tell him to go in the doctors ASAP.


02-03-12, 10:21
Well it looks like finally I might be getting somewhere, spoke to my gp this morning who is chasing the results up for me, he said hopefully he will get back to me today or Monday, so just trying to stay calm. He did say however though that usually I would hear within a week if anything was found, its just that Ive heard such rubbish things about this particular hospital recently that I can't believe that. But at last 5 weeks of waiting is almost at an end whatever the outcome.

05-03-12, 12:58
Hurray my gp got back to me this morning and my MRI was fine - no obvious cause for symptoms!!! So relieved. Thanks so much to all who commented on this post and offered reassurance and encouragement x

05-03-12, 13:08

Very good news - a real weight off your mind. I've been there and the waiting's the worst part!

Pip xx