View Full Version : Incapacity Benefit

18-06-06, 13:50
How many people have been denied Incapacity Benefit?

I was on Incapacity Beneift myself since September of last year but went to see a doctor at one of the assessment centres and he mucked up the report saying my anxity was mild. He also denied that I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome even though I have been diagnosed by two top consultants in the country. As an example of two of the questions he got wrong:

1. He said my spinal curves were normal but I have significant lordosis (tis is where the spine curves inwardly as opposed to scoliosis which curves outwardly)

2. He also stated that I never feel distressed for no reason.

Since then I have found the following information which is both shocking and disturbing:


I have had to involve a solicitor in all of thsi and it has made my anxiety much much worse. How can they sleep at night?

18-06-06, 15:46
Hi Polly

I haven't had problems with incapacity benefit which I claim for medical reasons as well as mental health reasons. However, I did have problems following a medical assessment with a different benefit and the case had to go to a tribunal. Luckily there is a local charity which helps with these cases, so someone represented me and the decision was overturned.

Sorry to hear you are having similar problems and it certainly doesn't help when you have anxiety anyway. I hope the situation is resolved soon.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

18-06-06, 15:49
I never had any problems, the doctor came to my house and asked me some questions about my anxiety/agoraphobia and then left. A little while later I got a letter saying i'd been awarded incapacity benefit.

But I guess you should reapply for it. I had to reapply for disability living allowance when I didn't hear anything back from the first claim. Not sure if they didn't want to give it to me back then or what, but I reapplied and was given it.

18-06-06, 22:18
i cant claim incapacity as my passport wont allow me to claim otherwise i would be claiming.


18-06-06, 23:27
i haven't claimed incapacity benefit as i don't think i'm allowed to with not working. i do get d.l.a and was awarded that the first time i applied for it.

19-06-06, 10:44
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">hi,
i haven't claimed incapacity benefit as i don't think i'm allowed to with not working. i do get d.l.a and was awarded that the first time i applied for it.
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Huh? Incapacity benefit is awarded because you can't work.

19-06-06, 10:58
they told me i was 2 young to claim incapacity and was given income support with an extra few pound for disabilty!! i am 20 though but there u go- the benefits people dont care!!

19-06-06, 11:14
I'm 20, i'm claiming it. It depends how many working tax credits or something you've got, but if you don't have any then it's something like 28 weeks after you first go on income support you can apply for it.

19-06-06, 11:53
hmm is it??? ive been on income support for 4 yrs. In march I asked again bout it but they say u can only claim it if u have worked and paid national contributions which i never had!! they r probably just fobbin me of anyways!!

19-06-06, 12:04
yup, they fobbing you off. http://www.jobcentreplus.gov.uk/JCP/Customers/WorkingAgeBenefits/dev_008025.xml.html

You should be getting it if you've been on income support for 4 years.

19-06-06, 14:18
thanx pete,
foned me local centre and they still say you can only get it if u have worked!! must be the welsh scabby jobcentre people!! I also tryed to claim for disability allowance- on the grounds of bein agrophobic and they said i werent entitled to that either!! very annoyin but at least i still get somefin!!! sigh, lol

05-07-06, 17:33
Gemma, your probably receiving the same amount as someone on Incapacity Benefit. It was explained to me when I applied for Incapacity Benefit, that if my National Insurance contributions didnt meet a certain level, I wouldnt be entitled to Incapacity Benefit, but I would be entitled to Income Support. When I done the Math, it worked out the same. Incidently, my N.I contributions were at an acceptable level. Looks to me like they are both the same thing for pople in our position, but come from a different pot.

05-07-06, 18:08
I was on IB for 6 months and saw a doctor for assessment, he recommended I be given time to get over my illness however the pen pushers scored me on a point basis (crazy for mental health patients IMO) and I scored one less than the required amount and they stopped the benefit immediately. That was in January and I am re-applying at the minute.

05-07-06, 18:09
I was on IB for 6 months and saw a doctor for assessment, he recommended I be given time to get over my illness however the pen pushers scored me on a point basis (crazy for mental health patients IMO) and I scored one less than the required amount and they stopped the benefit immediately. That was in January and I am re-applying at the minute.

13-07-06, 19:58
Yes i have had problems with incap benefits i was on them for a whole 3 months before i was reviewed.

The chump of a doctor did not believe that had anxiety or any troubles that stopped me working. This with a note from my doc, and me never been able to work properly since i was 16.

I often wonder what qualifies for incap benefit, do you have to try and kill yourself or someone else or harm yourslef in some way. The benefit people need to pull their fingers out.

13-07-06, 22:50
ive been on high rate incapacity benefit for 9 yrs and dla - i used to get it reviewed every year and get medical assessments done but now its done every 3yrs.
ive not had any problems but maybe give the Citizens Advice Bureau a call any they will keep you right - they can run assessements to check if you are receiving the correct benefits or not.


........life is for living not just for surviving

14-07-06, 19:53

I had no problems getting on Incap and when i had my assessment, i took my support worker with me (otherwise i couldn't have got there) and i think that must have shown that i was ill.

I recently got turned down for DLA, but after an appeal, just got awarded it. Apparently, initially, my agoraphobia meant i didn't need help getting around, etc!!

And, finally, the council won't give me a council house because they reckon i'm adequately housed (i live on 2nd floor flat and hadn't been downstairs and outside for a year!). Anyway, that's a separate issue, but the point is, the government really don't know or understand about mental health problems and that annoys me!


14-07-06, 20:29
I was on incapacity benifit a few years ago, i got a little better with my agorophobia and started to do some voluntary work at a day centre for the elderly, 6 months into the voluntary work i was doing well and the day centre offered me a part-time job with pay, i came off the benifit and worked there around 7 months and then i started going downhill again with my illness so i had to leave my job. Unfortunatley i couldnt go back on the benifit as in the 7 months i had worked i hadnt paid enough national insurance contributions! i was realy annoid as i had tried so hard to get back to work.




14-07-06, 20:49
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Unfortunatley i couldnt go back on the benifit as in the 7 months i had worked i hadnt paid enough national insurance contributions! i was realy annoid as i had tried so hard to get back to work.

<div align="right">Originally posted by honeybee3939 - 14 July 2006 : 21:29:47</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Incidentally, if anyone's in this situation of trying to get back to work after illness, there's an organization called The Shaw Trust who are dedicated to helping people like us get back to work but also protect your benefits should your job not work out. I'm not on it now, but a couple of years ago, i did go to see them and they seem pretty good.


22-07-06, 12:46
Get this...I've only now been able to muster the strength to look at my appeal pack and in it the doc who examined me at the assessment centre who said I didn't suffer from anxiety and depression claimed he carried out a 'mental health asessment' and he didn't.

22-07-06, 17:39
ive been claiming incapacity for 15 years because i have m.e and depression and agorophobia but the agorophobia is under control at the moment and allows me to do some voluntary work and run a support group (not for agorophobia or depression). i desperately want to go to work but cant manage even a part time job

22-07-06, 19:05
Unfortunately I think it's only likely to get worse in the future, especially if mr blair has anything to do with it. I'm on IB with DLA. I went to university (left when I had my first breakdown) and because I was in further education after I was 20 I managed to get IB. I've had two "medicals" neither of which were pleasant. The first one was with a man who didn't make me feel like scum, the second wasn't. I ended up in tears the second time when he asked me "when do you expect to be better?" how can they ask someone with anxiety and depression when they expect to get better?! I told him I'd been like this for nearly 20 years (I'm 25) so when did he think I'd be better? and 5 weeks later got a letter saying I'd passed and had 18 months before my next assessment.


22-07-06, 23:38
hi folks i need some advice i am an ex hair stylist with ocd and cos my hands are so bad from combi of exsessive hand washing and chemicals but mainly hand washing i am unable to do my job and cos of the extent of the ocd i havent worked for a long time hubby on a basic wage wot benifit do u think i could apply for and wud be entitled to

24-07-06, 07:34
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Unfortunately I think it's only likely to get worse in the future, especially if mr blair has anything to do with it. I'm on IB with DLA. I went to university (left when I had my first breakdown) and because I was in further education after I was 20 I managed to get IB. I've had two "medicals" neither of which were pleasant. The first one was with a man who didn't make me feel like scum, the second wasn't. I ended up in tears the second time when he asked me "when do you expect to be better?" how can they ask someone with anxiety and depression when they expect to get better?! I told him I'd been like this for nearly 20 years (I'm 25) so when did he think I'd be better? and 5 weeks later got a letter saying I'd passed and had 18 months before my next assessment.


<div align="right">Originally posted by ren - 22 July 2006 : 20:05:37</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Exactly...hence my reason for the poll and thread in the first place. I strongly encourage everyone to read the link at the top of the thread. Also listen to the radio programme.

26-07-06, 14:13
another useful link


04-11-06, 16:11
I get I/S topped up with incapacity.
You dont have to had worked.
I remember being assessed.
The bloke spoke to me for about 5 minutes and that was quite enough for him.
He had never seen such an anxious rambling woman in his life,Im quite sure.
I even saw pity in his eyes and he stood up to open the door for me as if I would die right there.[|)]

Love xFlyx

05-11-06, 09:52
OK Finally...last month I won my appeal. It was horrendous and I almost passed out at the tribunal but I won. i'm now on higher rate. Before this all started I was getting better to the point of wanting to start travelling again but they made me so ill by taking my money off me and calling me a liar that I am back to square one again. I've also started to become OCD and develop phobias. On top of all that I started having convulsions.

05-11-06, 11:22
THansk for starting this thread I money is a big worry for anxiety sufferers and to make things worse its not always an illness we can prove we have - sounds silly but true.

I have been working for about 4 years and have been off now since september (went back for 1 week and had to stay home again -just couldnt cope). I dont think Iwill be going back to be honest and feel I am putting my self under too much pressure by keeping trying every week as I cant relax and actually try to recover.The nightmares some of you have had are unbelievable!I cant believe some of you were denied because you had never worked! Thats unbelieveable!

17-01-07, 16:14
hi can anyone tell me how you go about aplying for benefits and what type for agraphobia and constant anxiety. for 2 years my husband worked part time as a van driver and i went with him as i couldnt be on my own or go out.unfortunately we could not manage on his wages and in november he applied for and got a full time job, so now i am sitting in the house on my own for over 8 hours a day and am absolutely terrified of being like this forever and live day to day, would these benefits apply to my situation as i would get great relief from having somebody with me in the day as i now panic when i am alone or when the children are at home.

hope someone can help

thanks jacqui x

courage doesn't always roar, sometimes it is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying "i will try again tomorrow"

17-01-07, 17:57

Really confused on this one, doesnt seem to be any consistancy for us all, I receive Incapacity benefit and child tax credits and was refused Income support, previously I had worked full time for seventeen years consistantly so maybe it is my NI contributions that allowed me IB rather than Income support???

I agree with what others have said that clearer information should be avaialble on this as so many of us are unsure if we are getting what we shoud be x

17-01-07, 22:05
Hi guys - I've not claimed Incapacity Benefit or Income Support because I just didn't think I'd get any. They require anyone with savings to use that to pay the bills first. Well the savings have gone down rapidly and I should be able to apply soon.

From looking at their website though you can also get an additional amount to cover the interest on your mortgage. Has anyone successfully managed to claim this ? If so, do you know what hoops your required to jump through in order to get it ?

My Doc would have signed me off sick 5 months ago, but I just didn't think it worthwhile. If I can get help with my mortgage though that would be such a weight lifted.


20-01-07, 15:57
hi meg
you are entitled to DLA, i receive that for agoraphobia, dont let them fob you off ring for a claim pack


21-01-07, 22:13
I've been on incapacity for 3 years but got a letter on the weekend with the form to fill out that determines whether you need an examination or not. Touching the thing makes me shake. I haven't been under a shrink for over a year because he put me on to therapy last year and my heightened anxiety/depression/isolation has kind of made me not get back in touch with the Psychiatrist. I'm not on any meds at present, too.

I'm just wondering - how will this affect me when filling the form out? It asks you what help you are getting and at present, I'm attending a mental health day centre a few days a week but have no shrink/no meds. Will it go against me? It's the last thing I need at present because this is one of the worst patches of my life, what with agoraphobia, mega-stress and constant feelings of going mad/hurting myself going through my head.

Can anyone help?

28-03-07, 05:02
I had no problems getting incap benefit which I have been on for 15 months now, but I put in a claim for disability because I am agoraphobic have chronic fatigue syndrome and back problems (scoliosis), believe it or not I was turned down, and I live on my own. I am now going to appeal. I don't know why they give incap benefit or disability to some people and not to others. It seems to me it depends on where you live and how much they have in their budgets rather than looking at the individuals needs, all political of course, isn't everything?:mad:

28-03-07, 07:20
Hi. A few years ago, I was on severe disablement allowance because of anxiety and depression. I had been in and out of hospital and had many different medications and wasn't able to work full time ( to earn enough to support myself, although I did a bit of voluntary work-no pressure in that). I had a medical by a dhss doc and he said that my condition wasn't severe enough for the benefit to continue. I was forced to go onto unemployment benefits which meant that I would have to be actively seeking work. The distress that this caused was massive -I felt that there was no support and also felt very alone in this dilemma and I was frankly terrified. Eventually, I was allocated a fantastic job counsellor who gave me the confidence to apply for a job as a receptionist which to my surprise, I got! I won't say that I was instantly cured becauee I still had bad days but my confidence I gained helped greatly. I do feel that people are put under pressure to come off benefits and I would say I was lucky it worked out for me-others aren't so lucky. I now work part time and find that work actually helps me through the worst days. As I say, I am fortunate that I can do this but I think that too much pressure is put on folks who have genuine anxiety/depression. Luv Maz

28-03-07, 09:28
i cant get any beneifit , even though i suffer anxiety and agrophobia i keep getting turned down , i think the system is unfair my mates brother is a alcholic and he gets dla , he choses to drink and does not want to give up , so the extra money goes in drink which he is pleased about , i now have a new doctor and i will be trying again this will be the 6th time i put in for it, i am also epileptic and i cant get help for that either, the system fale the people that need it most ,

28-03-07, 09:56
Oh Amberbear I really feel for you. Hope your next attempt is successful. I've never tried as I know I'd get turned down as my hubby has a good job.

26-04-07, 12:43

Incapacity benefit and DLA is not means tested

28-04-07, 02:01
Amber thats awful i cant believe they keep turning you down it seems really unfair on you,do you have a local Disability Advice Buruea (DAB) They helped me with my forms and i got it,they even came out to my home to help me.I have another friend who hasnt had a epileptic fit for over 4 years and she gets DLA.
If you dont have a DAB near you get in touch with your local mind,their really experianced with the forms.
Good Luck

28-04-07, 03:19

Darkangel - incap benefit IS means tested, but DLA isn't.

The trouble with these benefits is that what you don't know about, you can't claim for. I suggest that you go on the department of works and pensions website and have a good look around, because benefits also include housing and council tax benefits. It's all confusing. If you still can't find out anything, speak to the citizens advice, or you can email them. We must go for everything that we can while we're sick, after all none of us wants to be this way, I would love to be back at work:yesyes:

Here's hoping that we all get what we're entitled to:D


11-10-07, 04:56
Hi guys - might seem like an old topic, but I've got a bit of an update - certainly regarding my claim.

Apparantly even though I haven't been paid anything from Incap (or anyone for that matter), they accepted my backdated claim to Feb. I was wondering why they kept asking me for sick notes, despite the fact they weren't paying me anything. Turns out they've been paying my National Insurance stamp - &#163;2.10 a week or something like.

The upside is I qualify (after speaking to 7 different people and actually getting it in writing) for interest paid towards my mortgage from Nov 16th. Also, apparantly, I will qualify for Incap on Jan 1st as my stamp has been paid this year by Incap.

Strange how it works, but finally after parting with over 20k in National Insurance and 100k in Tax while working it seems like I might be entitled to something.

Only concern I have is that I now have to see an Independant doctor in 4 days dictated by the Department of Work and Pensions. Is this a big deal or am I worrying over nothing ?


10-02-09, 23:24
I have been recieing Incapacity Benefit for many years and fortunatley I have never had any problems with it.