View Full Version : Fatigue after an anxiety episode

07-02-12, 13:47
Does anyone else suffer from this? I had the dentist this morning, the moment I woke I had a sense of panic, you know that feeling that you just feel you are on the verge of a panic attack, it went on all morning, when I got onto the dentists chair I had to put up that mental stop sign and just focus on the here and now and not let my mind wander as I was working myself into a panic, It was soon over and then the fatigue set in and now at home I could just go to bed at 2pm in the day:blush: I darn't as i'd never sleep tonight.

07-02-12, 13:59
anxiety and panic tire us out cause we have so much adrenaline pumping around our body and it uses up every single piece of energy we have got, just go and have a lie down for half an hour, our bodies need to recover xx