View Full Version : early morning panic

07-02-12, 15:18
Despite sleeping tablets and anti-depsI always wake about 4am in panic.
My mental health team say to get up and start the day instead of lying there. Would they like to I wonder? Any one got any sensible suggestions


07-02-12, 15:28
on waking, i do find its the worst time for my over thinking, just lying there... once im up im much better, so there is something to be said for getting up if you are awake... but if i wake that early, and like you sometimes having an attack, i just say, im not interested in panicking right now and im going back to sleep, and luckily of late its worked and ive gone back to sleep! dont feed the panic, just say yeah whatever, sick of you, and im going to sleep!

07-02-12, 15:45
I go through spells of waking anytime between 3 and 4 o'clock. I go through the routine of settling back down again by reading a book for half hour or so, then turning the light back off. The trouble is if I have a really good book on the go I can find that I am waking up especially to read what happens next.