View Full Version : suddenly stopped taking propranalol do i start again?

07-02-12, 16:15
About a month ago i stopped taking my 10mg propranolol, been getting sharp chest pain, racing heart after exercise, and general fast heartbeat what should i do? let these symptoms pass or take them again?

07-02-12, 17:18
Youve been of the meds for a month and the symptons you have dont sound like you suddenly need to start taking them again...
All exercise causes the heart rate to go up, this is GOOD adrenaline, but you may suspect your having a panic attack coming on.. YOUR NOT...
anxiety doesnt just go away, and your heart racing alot will be a sign of that... mines the same, i just ignore it, if you start worrying it will lead to panic !
Perhaps see your GP if you are thinking of taking meds again or if you are worried its something else...but i read your first post, and you had ECG and it was fine? so im guessing anxiety !

eight days a week
07-02-12, 17:20
Most of us aren't doctors so can't offer medical advice, just our opinions.

That seems like a low dose to me (??) I take 80mg daily (for heart protection and anxiety).

What were you taking it for?

Why did you stop?

Have you thought about discussing it with your GP?

07-02-12, 17:47
About a month ago i stopped taking my 10mg propranolol, been getting sharp chest pain, racing heart after exercise, and general fast heartbeat what should i do? let these symptoms pass or take them again?
Please speak to your gp as you are not supposed to stop beta blockers suddenly, although 10mg is a small dose, when i came off propanolol, i did it with my dr's help, and my advice would be you should too take care xx