View Full Version : Bloated and breathless

07-02-12, 16:24
I get so bloated & breathlessness on/off and I dont no why!! I do have ibs and reflux. It feels like a bowling ball stuck in the middle of my stomach!! It's horrible.

Anyone else get this.

Lele x

07-02-12, 16:38
That sounds like you are causing the bloateness because of the incorrect breathing and doing something called "air swallowing".

If you get the correct abdmonial breathing working it will help. This is explained on the website pages on the left - under Coping I think

07-02-12, 16:42
Really! I'll have a look thanks. I don't feel like I'm breathing funny. Just feels like I can't take a deep breath.

Lele x

07-02-12, 17:12
My dietitian told me about it

07-02-12, 17:49
Feels like a big ball tapped in my upper stomach???

07-02-12, 18:13
Yeah that sounds like trapped wind/air

Try some tonic water which will make you burp - it may help