View Full Version : Strange Sensations

07-02-12, 17:33
Hi, I'm brand new to this site and stumbled over it when googling my symptoms, luckily....

I am being treated for postnatal depression and anxiety and have been for 9 months. I have recently changed my anti depressant as I felt my mood was worsening again. I was prescribed a different anti depressant that has a sedative in it to help me sleep a little better at night. I also have beta blockers for anxiety. I took the new tablets for just 2 days and symptoms began which I thought were side effects. After seeing my doctor, he has said that my symptoms are my condition (ie anxiety related), not my medication and I want to see what you all think. My symptoms are bouts of dizziness that are worse when I move and last a few seconds. During this dizziness I get a very odd tingling sensation on the roof of my mouth, in my head, back of my neck and my lips. It is accompanied with a slight spinning feeling like I need to sit down.

I'm very worried about this because its new.... I didn't have these symptoms 9 months ago!!! I don't know whether its the change over of meds or whether the doctor is right or whether its something else unrelated like vertigo maybe. I'm in no pain at all with it but it is freaking me out.

Please help.....Thanks Jo

07-02-12, 17:37
what meds you on?

07-02-12, 19:18
Hi, I changed from Citalopram 40mg to Trazadone 150mg (been reduced today to 100mg) and Propranolol 40mg.:)