View Full Version : Fear of getting better

18-06-06, 14:00
HI All
I wonder if any of you have a fear of getting better from the anxiety.
I have had anxiety for over 40 years.
Recently I have been reading some good books on how to get better and I want to be free of this anxietry.
Now I am feeling anxious because when I am better I will be doing things that I cant do a the moment which is a bit scary

Not sure if this makes sense, I suppose I am looking at situations with all the old feelings rather than without the problems.

Anybody else feel like this
Pam x

18-06-06, 18:02
Hi Pam.

I can totally relate to this.

I am much much better now, than I was a few years ago. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to do things, without having anxious thoughts or panic attacks.

I do so much more now, and it hits me sometimes, that I am getting better. That is scary, but also very exciting aswell.

Keep up the work of getting better. Its a good feeling, when you get on that road of new adventures.

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

18-06-06, 19:04
hi pam sometimes i just try to imagine being able to go into a big shopping centre or going on a girl,s night out and not feeling as though i,m going to faint!!i would feel as though i had won the lottery!!!yes i do know what you mean but i suppose once you free yourself from anxiety you wouldn,t really have as many thoughts. our minds would be free!!!do you ever think to yourself:i wish i could be my old self just for one day to remember how it feels!!!take care rachel x x

18-06-06, 19:08
It's not silly at all. It's perfectly normal. I've not suffered from anxiety for as long as you and I sometimes think like that too. Because you've had it for so long it's all you know and the thought of not having it is scary because it's a change and change frightens us. Also not having it means you'd be doing more things but when you thinkabout it if you're bettr you'll be doing thigs and it won't effect you. Maybe one day we'll be doing things and we'll just suddenly realise we're ok with it. Just take everything oen say at a time. Baby steps.

18-06-06, 19:13
coo I am so glad that I am not the only one :-)

THanks for all your replies. If any of you want to IM me feel free
Pam x

11-04-09, 05:58
i'm scared opf getting better means i have to rtake on the resposibilities of a "normal" adult.

cause of my mh i don't wprk very shy wirth relationships etc....if i was better i would have to get a job.

its scary eenough living independantly again and having to manage bills.

i feeel in a bind i wana get better burt the fear of getting better is making me worse.

i ho[pe this makes sense and lets you know your not alone.


11-04-09, 19:11
I have suffered from depression/anxiety since I was about 9 and I will be 61 this year. Sometimes I think that this is how I was meant to be and short of developing another personality this is how I will stay. My mother who suffered in the same way always told me that we had been dealt a bad hand of cards by fate and we had to make the best of it.

I feel that my mental state disables me just as if I was diabetic or epileptic. You know you will always have it and you have to make a life around your symptoms.

12-04-09, 05:09
You know you will always have it and you have to make a life around your symptoms.

Mmmm...well, yes and no I think. Yes, we can never change our personalities and our personalities make us more prone to suffer anxiety symptoms but I do feel we can learn to cure our symptoms so that anxiety doesn't always control our lives.

What I mean is that I think I will always have anxiety within me but I no longer suffer panic attacks, take medication or suffer other anxiety symptoms that I used to have such as OCD.

Some things though I feel I'll never be able to change about myself and in other things I feel happier not trying to change things but I do feel now that for the vast majority of time I do actually feel relaxed. I think now though my mood is more of a problem rather than my anxiety but that my mood is low due to other issues in my life which are "indirectly" connected to my anxiety.

Anxiety doesn't mean we can't find enjoyment in life.:hugs: