View Full Version : Future reunion anxiety. Please help me.

18-06-06, 14:16
Okay, So I'm Having a family Reunion this summer with about 23 (give or take) people coming, and I have to Sleep with 9 Kids in a room with a bunch of Bunk beds. The people that are coming are only spending one week, And My feelings are completely Up and down about it. I'm the kind of person who likes to be in a very relaxed and calm enviorment and i like to take my time and make my own choices about how i feel and if i feel like doing something or not. My mum has helped me a lot with things and when ever i have a panic attack she gives me full support and helps calm me down by sitting in a calm space and breathing with me. I love her a lot, But I'm so afraid that she might get swept away by all the business around the family reunion that i'll feel alone and become nervous about outings and everday social life with family..and i know at some point i'm going to have to say, "I'm on edge, I Need to stay behind and relax." Because i do get stressed very easily and need time for myself, Plus since theres going to be over 20 people there, and sometimes i'm really bad about thinking about something else and not focusing on my problems and worries. And thats always how my panic attacks come out, is when i think about it too much and i get on the edge and stressed, then BOOM a panic attack. But the thing is, that if i have one and i leave the room, I don't want people to be like, "Oh are you okay? do you want anything?" i just like to crawl up in a dark corner and not speak for an hour. Any natural products (I have rescue remedy) or tips or suggestions that can help or that can nip being nervous and panic attacks in the butt so i can get on and not worry about them? (I made this topic on the general anxiety forum also, but no one replied to me. [V])

<center> "If I just Breathe, every little piece of me, You'll see, everything is all right." </center>

18-06-06, 14:49
Hi there Elle -

Im sad you feel this way but I know what you mean. I always feel everyone is looking at me and judging me when we have family get togethers like - "oh look at her, shes put lots of weight on...!" etc etc
I now try to hold my head up high - breathe in from the stomach - and breathe out calmly thinking "I am fine... I am fine" Ok it doesnt always work but sometimes it does and the thing is - so what if you have to leave the room - Just stand up and say "excuse me" and take as long as you need. Maybe your mum could explain to some of the family that you are not feeling well and no one must make a fuss just leav eyou be. Anyhow - hope it goes ok - I have a reunion next sunday for my mums 70th in a hotel restaurant and I am shi....g myself about it because my sister and family are well off and posh and smart and slim and gorgeous and I am big and usually bubbly but open to all criticism!!!
So good luck to you and to me with our social events!!! Love wenjoy x

18-06-06, 16:13
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi there Elle -

Im sad you feel this way but I know what you mean. I always feel everyone is looking at me and judging me when we have family get togethers like - "oh look at her, shes put lots of weight on...!" etc etc
I now try to hold my head up high - breathe in from the stomach - and breathe out calmly thinking "I am fine... I am fine" Ok it doesnt always work but sometimes it does and the thing is - so what if you have to leave the room - Just stand up and say "excuse me" and take as long as you need. Maybe your mum could explain to some of the family that you are not feeling well and no one must make a fuss just leav eyou be. Anyhow - hope it goes ok - I have a reunion next sunday for my mums 70th in a hotel restaurant and I am shi....g myself about it because my sister and family are well off and posh and smart and slim and gorgeous and I am big and usually bubbly but open to all criticism!!!
So good luck to you and to me with our social events!!! Love wenjoy x

<div align="right">Originally posted by Wenjoy - 18 June 2006 : 10:49:19</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">
Wenjoy, Thank you so much for the support! I Am Very shy also, and i don't really like the focus to be on me. I think i will be all right, But Somedays i just need to relax and i don't want a bunch of people in my face, i just want alone time, and calming time, y'know? But i'm sure i'll be ok. thanks.

<center> "If I just Breathe, every little piece of me, You'll see, everything is all right." </center>