View Full Version : breast clinic referal so fed up

07-02-12, 19:59
hi after my second check up regarding a lump in my breast my gp says its protocol to send me to the breast clinic she did say if i was going to be overly worried and anxious i dont have to go but the system recomends it .She said she is 99.9% sure its nothing to worry about and it isnt an urgent referal because it isnt nessasary and its only because the stringent guidelines these days that i am being refered at all and tell me she doesnt think its anything to worry about.I know shes doing the right thing sending me but my anxieties are running wild what do you think should i be reasured
thanks jayne x

07-02-12, 20:08
I would be reassured if I were you, as she probably just has to cover her own end of things for legal purposes. I don't know much about the NHS, but I would assume that if god forbid that 0.1% chance happened - which it won't - she would want her rear end covered. That's really it. But it seems like you should not have anything to worry about, or else she would not have told you that you don't have to go if you are too anxious.

07-02-12, 20:46
My friend has been referred twice for mystery lumps. The doctor told her both times that it was probably just glands (and it was!) but she wanted to make extra sure. Your doctor sounds good and I am sure you have nothing to be concerned about.

07-02-12, 22:07
Hi Jayne - I think you have had cysts in your breast before haven't you??

I totally understand your worry we would all be the same but at least you will know 100% that its nothing to worry about in a very short time as you should be seen in a couple of weeks.

Let us know how you go onxx

07-02-12, 22:11
Hey i have just got back from the breast clinic today for lumps under my armpit, i was referred non urgent too they have been there for three month, i got my appt a week after i went the docs, don't worry if its soon its just because they can fit you in. Hope everything will be ok, I was in pieces and still am struggling to believe the consultant but at the end of the day they are docs and we aren't. Dancingfrog xxx

07-02-12, 22:27
Good luck, hope everything goes well and you manage to survive the anxiety!

08-02-12, 10:33
thankyou all countrygirl i dont know if i will be seen in the next 2 weeks as she did state it would be a non urgent appointment and thanyou dancingfrog if they do send for me sooner i will not panick then and glad your ok my friends at work said she would not have told me she is 99.9% sure its nothing if she got even the slightest concern would she and she did say she didnt think they will find anything at the clinic so dont worry

08-02-12, 11:51
I know in Ireland a non urgent referral can easily take at least 6 months.
Thank god I've health insurance , that way it's maybe 2 weeks.
Hope you get seen soon so you won't have too much time to worry .

08-02-12, 12:39
hi bronte, any breast issues have to be seen within two weeks, i went to the dr for discharge in the breast and within two weeks i had been seen, the breast screening nurses are so friendly and helpful, it turned out that mine was due to smoking, it can widen the breast ducts and cause discharge, so try not to worry, im sure youll be fine, take care Ang

08-02-12, 13:46
i trust my gp as shes very on the ball so i am reasured to an extent in my rational mind but in my irrational mind i cant help worrying about it what do you all think would you all feel a little reasured by what she said x

08-02-12, 19:15
i am being rational most of the time but then my anxiety creeps in i can be rational with other people but not with myself

09-02-12, 10:22
the lump has shrunk again and it feels like other breast tissue its gone a big softer as well its biggest it feels like a pea but a bit oval but now it shrunk down it feels like a little tiny torpedo shape about 6 mm long and about 2mm wide so its shrunk again as any one else experienced a lump like this x

09-02-12, 19:50
anyone please x