View Full Version : Arms like lead.

07-02-12, 21:03
Sorry I always seem to be like a bit of a fair weather friend in reverse on this site if you know what I mean.

So anyway, My anxiety touch wood has been doing ok recently, good days and bad days, mainly good. The one thing that has been getting me down is the feeling of dead arms, they ache sometimes, feel like lead and go numb.
I know that this is anxiety but its the one thing I cant seem to shake off. What can I do? Any advice would really be nice right now.
Thank you you lovely people!! x x x x

07-02-12, 21:12
Hannah, could be muscular in origin.

If I have been writing or playing the piano, then after my hands tend to influence my whole arms' and make them "feel dead' as you say.

Hope this helps, Vince:)