View Full Version : pvc and aspartame in fizzy drinks

07-02-12, 23:19
Hi there Ive had a difficult day I keep on having pvcs and they are really freaking me out. However I went to see Gp today and she asked me if I ever drank diet coke or diet drinks and I do lots of them. I had 3 cans today. Anyway she told me that it contains something called aspartame which is an artificial sweetener in diet drinks and can cause pvcs. I have atrial fibrilation normally under control but now Im wondering if it is diet drinks causing my AF and pvcs. What do people think?

08-02-12, 01:10
I agree with the GP. A normal day, I would have a cup of coffee in the A.m. and then a dt pepsi around 2, and normally about 60 oz of water in between that. So in the morning, I noticed for the last 2 weeks I got really jittery in my chest so I have not had coffee since last Friday and I don't get the jitters. Now today I had a dt pepsi around 2 and got jittery and anxious right away. Felt like my chest was gonna shake me right outta my seat! I am going to cut out caffinated pop and switch to caffine free. I just got so shakey and I don't know why the last 2 weeks after this routine for I don't know how long!

eight days a week
08-02-12, 01:20
Sorry, I don't know about pvcs, but generally I believe aspartame is something to be very much avoided.

It's been heavily implicated in neuro-toxicity in studies, and linked to things like alzheimers. I'd rather take my chances with sugar and honey thanks very much!

From what I've read i'd say avoid all artificial sweeteners if you can :)

09-02-12, 00:21
I switched from drinking Coke/Pepsi to 7UP/Sprite cos they don't contain caffeine. Also switched to decaff tea. I don't drink coffee. I dont drink the "diet" stuff either. I'd rather take my chances with sugar as well. More naural. :)