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08-02-12, 05:58
feeling unwell at the moment and seem to lack energy. i am diabetic controlled by diet, high bp for which i have medication and am prone to palpatations. since friday i have been feeling unwell, full of wind and bloaty. my sugar reading seem to be very up and down. i took the dog for a walk on saturday but after a mile had to sit down in the snow because i had absolutely no energy to keep on my feet. i have been feeling very unshore since. the health nurse i contacted over the phone said if it was a bug it would have gone by now so here i am worried by what it could be. having a health anxiety really sucks.

08-02-12, 11:11

I'm not sure maybe you should make an appointment with GP anyway , sometimes the nurses will tell you anything just to fob you off. I hope you feel better soon thou :hugs:

10-02-12, 09:27
the gp said it was probably food poisoning but as it wasnt severe nothing needed to be done. as for the sugar readings they go up when you are not well but should level out as you get better.