View Full Version : ms fears. very confused.

08-02-12, 08:45
I am new to the forum and this is my first post.

I havent been diagnosed with anything yet (physical of psycological) and my problems started 2 months ago.

My first symptom occured when i was on annual leave and was sat reading a book. I noticed that my fingers and hands were feeling tingling/had pins and needles and that they felt a bit stiff.

Soon after this when i was walking around the house i felt like i had jelly fish stings on the souls of both feet.

I googled and up came MS.

I then had a whole load of symptoms which came on within a few days. I had burning tingling sensations all over my skin and 'jelly fish stings' all over my head and body and even eyes. I also felt like I had a dead leg and arm, like i had been lying or sitting in funny position but I hadnt. I kepted wanting to shake my arms out.

After being up all night with these symptoms in the morning I felt weak and shakey. I went to the doctors and told him my MS concerns. He said we needed to keep an open mind, though these symptoms are not typical of MS as some of then were transient and moved around the body. He also asked if about my breathing was normal and ruled out anxiety as the cause of my symptoms as i was not hyperventilating when the tingling first began.

Within two weeks I was back at the doctors again because I had floaters in my eyes, was seeing things in my periferal vision and felt dizzy and had a stiff neck. Also still some tingling/burning feelings. Was sent for an eye test which all came back fine.

Other symptoms I was feeling on and off was weakness, stiff hands which felt hard to use, feeling shakey and had achey arms.

Then I week later I started getting ice cold/burning sensations in my feet and my lower right leg. I had some odd sensations in my left leg too but my right leg was much worse. The soles of both feet also felt like they were burning and I felt like I had bands around my legs just below the knee. I felt like I couldnt feel my right leg, paniced and went to A&E. I dont think they were very happy about me being there and deep down I knew they wouldnt do anything but I was so desperate for help. My reflexs were tested-all ok and the doctor wrote to my gp suggesting I get refered to a neurologist.

Whilst waiting for my neurology appointment my anxiety about MS has been up and down. I am on the internet all the time and if I stick to the anxiety forums I feel much better and can convince myself that this is just anxiety. But I still have massive waves of doubt and panic about MS.

I went to the neurologist yesterday and all I wanted him to say was there is nothing wrong, its just anxiety. I was clinging on to the fact that my symptoms are broad ranging and jump around my body (although my right leg seems to be affected worse) and I hadnt had one symptom in one location for a whole 24 hours.

He tested my reflexes again which were all fine but he said that MS is not typical and can manifest in many ways! He also said that he doesnt think that my problems are caused by anxiety because a stressfull event did not bring the tingling on, that anxiety would not create cold burning sensations or feelings like your leg/arm has gone dead. He also said that I come across as a sensible person!

He did also say the my symptoms dont jump out at him as being MS. However, he wants me to have an mri scan. But says that he has a gut feeling that it wont show anything. If nothing shows up on the scan he will ask me to come back in a year and review my symptoms!!

I am so upset and confused. Iv now got more waiting and weeks of stress and at the end probably wont be any further on than when I first started. I feel like my whole life is in limbo and i know im upsetting everyone around me.

I feel like what the neuro has said has gone against everything iv read. But he is the expert isnt he?! I wasnt feeling anxious untill i googled my first symptoms and im now so scared iv got MS. Im in tears all the time and have waves of panic and just feel so miserable.I dont think iv had any panic attacks but can anxiety still explain my symptoms? Even the ones at the start of all this?

I would be so greatful if anybody has gone to a neuro with similar symptoms to mine could tell me what thier neuro said?

Please help me, I dont know what to do.

08-02-12, 09:27
I just wanted to say I am in the same situation as you. I have had all the symptoms you describe. I have been to a neurologist, I am now waiting for MRI results.

I also asked my neurologist if it could be anxiety, he said maybe but you can't put everything down to anxiety.

I have been a nervous wreck for the last couple of months, and my results are due any day as its 10 days since my appointment.

I hope you get to the bottom of it soon.

08-02-12, 10:49
Thank you so much for replying.

My neuro said the same 'You cant put everything down to anxiety'

I asked if it is not MS or anxiety what could it be and he said that some symptoms are 'unique to you' So confusing.

Did your symptoms just occur out of the blue one day then esculate?

Did your neuro say anything about MS?

Good luck with your results, the waiting game is horrible:weep:

08-02-12, 11:12
Mine all started with a headache that wouldn't go, I was told it was a tension headache, I worried about it though and got it into my head that it was something worse. I then started getting tingling in my arms, head and face. I was eventually referred to a neuro although my doctor kept saying its stress. The Neurologist never mentioned ms but I have other symptoms now including prickly skin, shooting pains all over, its horrible. And to top it all off I rang to see if my results were in only to find out the neurologist and his secretary are on annual leave till Monday!!!

08-02-12, 11:31
I guess im lucky that i have been refered so quickely. Although that makes me worry more!
When I first went to the gp he mentioned anxiety and I insisted that it wasnt. Now I think it might be and deperately want it to be but the neuro is saying its not! despite this my gp prescribed me beta blockers for anxiety because I was getting in such a state about my physical symptoms- so some of my symptoms surely could be anxiety!
The tingling and prickly skin is what really upsets me.
Thats such bad luck about your results, so frustrating.
Have you sufered from anxiety before?

08-02-12, 11:37
I'm generally quite anxious, but normally about others, I think I got worried about the headache initially as I don't get them, in fact I never get ill at all usually. I ended up breaking down in the docs a few times over it. He wants to do cbt as he said even if it turns out I am ill I need to learn how to deal with it. Its been a horrid few months. I have 6 children too, so its all taking its toll on everyone