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View Full Version : Constant dissiness and head pressure??? Please help!

08-02-12, 10:19
Hi there, I am new to the site but have found it comforting to know there are many others out there who are expriencing this constant dizziness/lightheadedness and head pressures. Its driving me mental! My problems and worries all started in October when I developed what I thought may be a urine infection. I was experiencing pain after urinating, only occasionally but most often in the mornings. The Dr gave me some antibiotics even though the sample I provided was clear of infection??? However it did seem to clear but only for a couple of weeks then gradually started to return. I do tend to wory a lot about my health and have fears of dying young and leaving my three very young children. And of course throughout these trips to the drs regarding my water works I have accumilated many many more symptoms, most probably due to the fact that iv not stopped worrying about what is happening down below. Iv had all the cancers such as cervical, ovarian, bladder, stomach etc etc.
I have been back to my Dr regarding the water works and he is sending me for a pelvic scan and to see a urologist although still awaiting an appointment.
Anyhow it was during a recent family break to centre parcs that I started to develop these dizzy spells. I did panic and rang my drs straight away. The receptionist managed to get the dr to give me a call and he kindly fitted me in very quickly. On the day we returned from our trip i went to see the dr. He ordered some blood tests to be taken for various illnesses such as anemia etc and also an ecg, however all of these tests came back clear. I did have an inclination that they would because nothing seems to be straight forward with me. He did say the dizzyness is one of the most common complaints seen by docors and very often they cant find a cause and people do go undiagnosed. He said it could be viral but this has gone on for three months now and iv just about had enough. My husband is just about sick to death but also concerned about my mental state. He is convinced that im making myself ill due to the constant worry. I do have numerous other symptoms such as nausea (more prominent in morning), Shooting head pains, head pressure which is awful, sore head (to touch), pelvic pain, lower back pain (not sure if these two symptoms are related to my initial issue with reagards to the water works), muscle and joint pains all over, painful periods, clicking joints, jaw clicking and occasional pain, tapping noises in right ear. The dizziness and head pressure is more or less with me throughout the entire day and has me worried sick. Iv now convinced myself that I have a tumour and im going to die!
I cant function normally anymore through fear of worrying. I have a lack of interest in my hobbies which I used to enjoy doing. I make excuses to meet up with friends and dont want to leave the house. Im constantly googling things on the web, attempting to diagnose myself. I do want to believe its all down to anxiety but like many others out there say 'its hard to beleive that all these terrible symptoms are just from anxiety alone. I am only 29 with three beautiful children who i love very much. I cant help but look at them and cry at times for fearing the worst, that I wont be there for them as they're growing up. I have had many crying episodes lately where my husband has had to comfort me and convince me that everything is ok. I do find that the evenings are my best time. Since I have been googling anxiety websites throughtout the day, by tea time my mind is a bit more at ease knowing that others are the same, however when I awake in the morning my worries and concerns all return quickly as I wake up feeling sick to the stomach. My symptoms do tend to ease off the busier I make myself around the house but swiftly return the moment I try to relax???
I must note that I havnt even been diagnosed with Anxiety yet but Im seeing my dr today along with my husband, he thinks im in need of medication but we'll see what she says.
I did go through a similar phase in 2004 when I convined myself I had HIV! Thinking back people must of thought I was barmy but at the time I truely believed it. I do have many of the symptoms I had back then other than this head pressure and lightheadedness, which is whats beleiving me to think its something more serious like a TUMOUR!

Does this sound like anyone out there?

You opinions will be appreciated.


08-02-12, 10:22
Hi Farrah

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

09-02-12, 12:23
Farrah, my heart goes out to you. I'm no expert but I truly believe the symptoms you describe (& I mean all of them) could be due to anxiety. But I don't mean anxiety in the everyday sense of the word, I mean it in the medical sense. I understand why your husband might think you are 'making yourself ill' but I dont believe that's the case. I also believe that, cliché cliché, only those that have experienced real anxiety or something similar can relate to & understand it and therefore empathise. The fact that you feel some relief when you start to accept you have anxiety might point to that being true. And waking up feeling worse again, well that's anxiety for you. May I ask how it went with the doctor? I hope what I've said helps but PLEASE say if not and also just ignore it! Take care x

10-02-12, 16:26
Dear Farrah

Your symptons seem very similar to the ones i suffered from 2 years ago. I had a contant feeling of dizzyness and a fluttering-like feeling in my head. It was very difficult to describe the feeling to the doctor and like you i was panicing as what it could be. I had a CT scan as i was sure it must be a brain tumor or something equally terrible. It turned out i was suffering from anxiety and depression and the physical symptions were my bodies way of telling my that something was wrong. Like you i have a fear of death and this fear fuels the other symptions untill you cant get the anxiety out of your mind.

You need to keep in your mind that the physical smytoms are real! your mind is not making them up but the cause is mental. You need to talk to your doctor about the possibility of depression and medication will help. I was placed on citalopram and the symptoms inproved which told me it was anxiety attacks. Antidepresstants do help alot but you need to remember that they take time to take hold (up to 5 weeks) so dont panic if the symptons dont improve staight away, but the feeling you are doing something about the problem brings relief.

I dont know why i suffered from depression there was no obvious cause, it can happen to anyone. What is good that you have people around you that are there for you when you are at your lowest and are patient because it will get better! Just keep thinking to yourself that it a chemical imbalance causing it and just like any illness it will not always be there.

Good luck

Lisa x