View Full Version : NOSE pressure?

08-02-12, 10:22
Does ANYONE experience this symptom with anxiety? It builds from my nose to my forehead and sometimes my ears. At its most intense I think my forehead is going to burst. It's not painful at all, just weird pressure. I'm so frustrated and maybe even more anxious now because i saw an ear,nose,and throat doctor who checked my nose and ears and said "all good." when i was convinced it was a sinus issue, even though i have no other sinusitis symptoms. I also get this 1 second feeling in my head like a zap without noise, but it makes me feel out of it for a second. The point is all begins in my nose. I can breathe fine but i am always mouth breathing. The weird feelings in my head and pressure in my nose freaks me out. It's very hard to ignore, i can't sit still when it starts up, staying seated is basically impossible. Can anyone relate, to put my mind at ease? I've had blood work, etc, too.

08-02-12, 10:40
Same for me too. The more anxious I get the more pressure I feel starting at the bridge of my nose, making it feel really heavy and stuffed up, moving up to my forehead. It feels as if someone has punched me in the eyes.
So I guess we're both just fairly 'normal' then:)