View Full Version : Cervical cancer worries

08-02-12, 10:43
Hi everyone,

Hope you're all having a nice day.

I haven't posted on here for ages, as have had CBT, and have honestly been much better for the last year or so.

Anyway, a couple of months ago I had a tiny (about the size of my fingernail) amount of pink blood after intercourse. This has never happened before, and being the health anxiety type, I always check straight after intercourse.

Of course I worried, but rationalised it by telling myself that I'd had a clear smear 2 years ago. Then it happened again the week after, so I buried my head in the sand for 6 weeks, refused to have sex, and then finally went to see my GP last week.

She said they wouldn't bring my smear forward, rather that the policy is to treat symptoms we develop in between. So she gave me a pelvic examination and said, "have you noticed more discharge recently?" (I hadn't). She also had a hard time finding my cervix. When she eventually found it, she said it looked healthy, but that she was sending a swab of the discharge off to check for thrush etc.

I've since googled (bad I know) and apparently increased discharge is a symptom of cervical cancer, along with the bleeding after sex.

Rang the surgery today and the swab has come back clear, which means no infection (which I was hoping for) so in my head, the bleeding and increased discharge must be cervical cancer.

I know it's supposed to take 15 years for cells to progress from being abnormal to cancer, but what about Jade Goody? That can't have taken that long? Am petrified as my Mum had CIN3 at my age, and is fine now, but what if there's some heredetary nature to cervical cancer? And can't think what else could be causing my symptoms.

Sorry to ramble, am just so scared


08-02-12, 11:18
I wouldn't think you have a cancer , there are so many other possibilities , sometimes is down to hormones that you get bit of a spotting, could be you had little bit more rough sex which made you bleed or worst scenario is STD , as usually when they take swab at gp they don't check for things like that so you would have to go to STD clinic, if you worried i would check that one out first. Your last smear was clear so that's a good indication that you shouldn't worry, Jade Goody ignored her smear letter for ages and not until she started bleeding like mad she went to have it checked, not a good example, but of course is very sad she died so young.