View Full Version : Anyone else? (possible IBS TMI!)

08-02-12, 11:20
Hi everyone. For the past few days I've been feeling good. I think (hope!) I've kicked that horrible leukemia fear in the a$$. Knowing that I would probably be very sick by now etc has helped. But I still feel the symptoms of anxiety. I didn't really sleep much last night because my heart was pounding, and it still is. It was like I'd had too much coffee, that sort of feeling. I have one cup a day.
This morning I got up, felt ok and had my usual porridge for breakfast. Just after that however, I got the "IBS" feeling of really having to go. I usually get IBS if I'm stressed or have eaten something too rich. I have to admit, yesterday I went out for a nice lunch and last night got an Indian takeaway, and even though I was full I continued to eat it haha.

But when I get IBS it's not diahorrea, or constipation, it's more like just LOTS of little bits of solid. It's not a strange colour or anything, but I can be sitting on the toilet for about 15 minutes sometimes!
My stomach usually gets back to normal quickly but today I still feel a little bit bloated which I'm not really worried about.
Does anyone else get this? I thought my anxiety was leaving me but it's as though the physical symptoms are there.
Sorry again for TMI hah. xx

08-02-12, 12:41
if you have IBS then you should avoid spicy foods, i have IBS and never eat anything spicy, IBS is linked to anxiety, so its probably due to that

08-02-12, 19:19
all sounds pretty normal to me for someone with ibs x

09-02-12, 08:46
yes I have had that. I have IBS and my bowels are different all the time. One morning it is nice and healthy and then the next I could have diahroea and then I could be constipated for a few days and then and etc.

I wouldnt worry about it it just sounds like a bitof constipation, if it continues maybe mention it to your gp next time and he/she will prescribe you some sort of fibre stuff to help you go better.