View Full Version : Right ear feels swollen, anxiety going mad!

18-06-06, 19:15

I was having a good morning, trying not to think about any of my problems.

It was in the afternoon, when I was out walking with the family, I rubbed my ear and noticed it hurt a little.

I then put my finger in and the bottom of the lobe hurts when touched.

I then put finger in left ear and i then noticed my right ear feels different, feels swollen / lobe bigger.

As you can see my anxiety levels are high again, so I thought I would log on.

My dad came round and I asked him to take a look, which he said it does look red but no lump etc.

I'm still not convinced, can you get cancer in the ear etc?

Can anybody help me, could it be a bite etc?


18-06-06, 19:34
hi tony yeh i think its probobly a bite of some sort!this time last year i was always gettin loads of midgey bites.please dont worry you will be fine!you could always put some savlon on if it is itching,that usually does the trick.take care rachel x x

18-06-06, 20:59
i had this bout 3-4 days back, turned out to be a spot! typical for me! theres always one popping up somewhere!
Becci x

18-06-06, 21:05

i was going to say the same, could be a bite, spot getting ready to appear or even a little scratch. The problem with ha is that we notice every little thing straight away and worry until its gone. And if your like me you'll prod and poke until its sore anyway.
tht, anx.

Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects

18-06-06, 21:05
Hi Tony, could be a bite, ears are very sensitive, if you've been rubbing it then it will be red and get irritated. If you were out walking more than likely something got you. Put some tea tree oil on it that's good for bites and keeps midges etc. away

Take care

'This too will pass'

19-06-06, 07:47

Showed wife this morning, she said it does look red and it looks like something is rising?

Wish I never asked her.


19-06-06, 07:52
hi tony

dont you hate it when you ask someone and they just agree with you instead of telling you it is nothing cause thats always what we want to hear.
i seriously think it's nothing i do things like this all the time it's probably just a pimple they always hurt inside your ear and because you cant stop playing with it you have made it red ... pimples also inflame the skin
please dont worry i am so sure that is what it is

21-06-06, 07:55
Hi, I'm worried again.

Yesterday my ear felt as though the pain was going and the swelling and even my wife agreed it looked better.

Woke up this morning the swelling has risen again but the redness has gone and the pain but why would the selling appear again over night.

Can anybody help?


23-06-06, 07:53
It's nearly been a week and the pain has stopped but it's still raised.

I'm worried it's a tumor, can you get these in ears?

Not sure what to do but I'm trying to keep away from the doctors, can anybody help?


23-06-06, 09:09
Hi red

i would imagine if it has been sore, the pain would be the first to go, then the redness and then finally the swelling. Also if you notice it swollen more in the morning its because you've been laying down all night, your ear will be warm and the fluid will pool, then in the morning it will drain and go away more (if you get what i mean).
I'm sure its not serious, try to give it some more time (i try to allow 2 weeks for everything like that)


Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects

Two heads
23-06-06, 10:30
Dont worry hun it really sounds like abite.I had one on my earlobe a few weeks ago and it took a week all so to go.xxxxxxxx

25-06-06, 17:50
Hi all,

It's been a week today and still feels swollen.

should I give it another week?
