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sherylee xx
08-02-12, 23:15
hey guys im worried as iv been gettin head pains toda and just now i got one but it started at the top of my head but went down the side behind my ear and i think down my neck if i remember right :( and i got like a rush through me and felt abit kinda weak, and keep gettin lil pains in my head same place so scared xx

09-02-12, 00:11
Hey Sherylee.

Could it be a niggling migraine? I think i have read some posts from you where you have mentioned you do suffer migraines? I started getting them in Feb last year (the aura ones) and inbetween i sometimes also get these symptoms. Usually quite mild and only noticable when i do things or turn my head a certain way but the area your describing is the same as how i experience niggles and pains...

Kel :)

sherylee xx
09-02-12, 00:15
yes hun i do i get auras too usualy blurry vision and a weird smell in my nose ect i guess i just assume migraines should be full on head aches but they can be just lil pains ect cant they well i think lol hope im makin sence! how often do you get them hun?? xx

09-02-12, 01:17
Hiya Sherylee

Hope you feel a bit better .

When I have had the sort of pains you speak about it can be for different reasons. I sometimes have been propping my head up on the sette while reading and being in this posture for too long has later given me a slight, throbbing pain on one side of my head.

The pain is unpredictable and is not very painful. It's more a nuisance since I brace myself for each new throb:) It is not constant pain but a throb and just when I think its gone it comes again.

Good news it usually disappears on its own.

Maybe if you have eaten something you don't often have or if you have changed your meds' ...these can sometimes cause headches and throbbing.

Hope you soon pick up:


sherylee xx
09-02-12, 21:36
hey vince thanks for replyin :) yeah thats kinda how the pain was its so scary though :( could it be through tentsion?? xx

26-02-12, 04:48
Hey sherylee

Mine can vary for no known reason...I have had 10 migraine auras in 1 year compared to none in my life before that! I've also had niggling pain like you describe inbetween and it can sometimes last on and off for a few days. The auras last 30 mins each time and I can also get tingling and hearing disturbances with it. They are the most worrying scariest symptom I've ever had! Worse than a panic attack and also the constant ectopic beats I live with! I pray everyday that they will stop!

Kel x

sherylee xx
26-02-12, 10:12
i know exactly how you feel hun with my auras i get a weird smell in my nose and very blurry vision then within min utes i get head opains :( xx

macc noodle
26-02-12, 10:21

I have been looking back through your posts and I am firmly of the opinion that you do need to go and see your doctor about this - and to tell them exactly how you feel.

You have suffered long enough now and need some resolution although I have to say that I am sure that it is nothing serious but is something that can be resolved.

Do you take painkillers at all when the head pain comes on ? What I usually do if I have an ache or a pain is to medicate for a few days with paracetomol and see how I feel at the end of that - if the pain was reduced then I am happy that it is not anything to get too worried about.

I have to say that when I am in the midst of being very stressed or anxious, I can get the most horrible head pains that go into my neck and shoulders.

Thinking of you.


Ah yes and one other thing I was thinking - don't shoot me for saying this (lol), maybe if you had a day or two away from the computer it may help - if you suffer migraines and auras then using a computer can make it worse. xxxx