View Full Version : can anybody please give me a little advice

18-06-06, 19:42
Hi all

I've been doing really well and am managing to get out and about a lot more now and had no panics for a long time.

Yesterday i had this really frightening feeling come all over me for no reason - i was just sat in the house- and now im really worried that its all coming back again and im frightening myself about going out alone or with others.

im going away to spain in 2 weeks time and am worried i wont make it.

has anybody got any advice about this horrible frightening feeling i had.

thanks for reading


18-06-06, 19:54

it was a glitch, the more you worry about it the more likely you are to bring it back. Push it out of your mind think positively "I am not going to have another attack, I am going to spain, I am going to enjoy the flight, I am going to have a great time whilst im there". Think like that and you will have a great time


18-06-06, 20:56
hi bobsy

i agree with what keith says as well.

i have times when things are going well - then a blip comes - how long does it last - how long I allow it to stay - if you start adding on the fearful thoughts it will remian longer.

try not to worry about it coming back - try and just let it pass and look forward to your holiday in spain - i was there about 4 weeks ago Costa del sol it was fab!!

relax and enjoy


........life is for living not just for surviving

18-06-06, 20:59
bobsy do you ever read claire weekes book

she mentions about our memory and how we can easily slip into fear as we remember so well the feelings we had before, she talks of setback and how this is inevidable and almost essential with recovery because we must test ourselves time and time again that we will not be afraid if it comes back

her book " self help for your nerves" would be really useful on the trip and describes exactly what you are going through and how to overcome it

well done for coming this far, remember, no fear


18-06-06, 21:03
Hi Bobsy, i think we can all relate to what you are feeling. I've had a great week, felt much better, today a bit jittery, i too thought, what if but then i thought, no I'm not having this and it's a blip and will be OK tomorrow, I agree with Keith, it lasts as long as you allow it too. I've also read Claire Weeks' book and I know that there are setbacks but they will pass if I allow them to, and that's what you need to do and what i'm intending on doing too. have a great holiday!!

Take care

'This too will pass'

18-06-06, 21:38
Hi Bobsy,

Yes, this is a glich, try and tell yourself that. If you are having more good days than bad days now. You are well on the road to living and coping with anxiety and panic.

Its hard I know, but maybe try and talk yourself out of it and do some deep breathing when you begin to feel like this, to stop yourself from hyperventilating

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

18-06-06, 22:09
Hi Bobsy, I agree with the others, try not to think too much about it and carry on with your excellent work!!!

I hope you have a fantastic holiday:D

Take care



18-06-06, 23:08
Hi bobsy,

Firstly, WELL DONE, yuu are moving forward and thats great news, be proud of yourself.[:P]

I can understand how you feel. This year I went abroad for the first time since my panics started. I am, like you alot better and have not had a pa, high anxiety attack in a long time, BUT, a few weeks before going away, I had the same symptom as you, ohhhh it scared the life out of me. Of course the what if's jumped in right away [V]

You MUST NOT, sit and dwell on these thoughts and worries. I remember jumping out of my chair and dancing around the room when it happend to me, thinking, ohhhh no way are you doing this to me, my daughter thought I had lost the plot LOL, BUT, it worked and my thoughts of something terrible happening went away.

There is always a reason why these things happen, baybe it was just a quick thought in your head, ohhh what if, sometimes it only takes just 1 what if and our minds remember the fear. I know with me, thats what happend, I went on to have a great holiday.

YOU WILL make it bobsy, I know its dame hard, BUT, try and change those worrying thoughts to more reasureing one's.
Remember this feeling is just a feeling and it can't hurt you, don't feed it with your worries, it will make it worse.

Negative thought.
**really worried that its all coming back again**
Positive thought.
I had a hicup, hay NOT a blip, just a hicup, it will pass. Ohhhh I'm doing great [:P][8D]

Negative thought.
**im going away to spain in 2 weeks time and am worried i wont make it**
Positive thought.
I WILL make it, I am doing great and the holiday will do me the world of good. Mrs anxiety IS NOT going to stop me from going anywhere.

Where about in spain are you going [?]

I know it hard but don't put to much importance on this hicup, let it pass.

Keep up the good work.



19-06-06, 08:24
Thanks guys for reading my post.

Thanks also for all the great advice and help you have given me.

Its just a blip but its still scary when youve done so well. Anway gonna carry on as normal even though i still feel a little down.

As they say these things get you when you are most relaxed so im gonna ignore it.

I have a claire weekes book but it has not got a very good section on setbacks mine must be an old one lol, its called self help for your nerves but does not seem to have the bits in that jackie refers to. Is there any other books i may find helpful- - wot is that one essential help for your nerves is that better and got more on setbacks or lingering thoughts

thanks again


19-06-06, 10:49
hi Bobsy, I have both the books and I must say I find 'Essential help for your nerves' much better...
Hope it helps you hun:D

Take care



19-06-06, 20:30
just to let u know i managed to get to work although was a little anxious at the traffic lights. i have been going through these ok but today errrr.

Also been to my running class tonight and had to run alone (my partner normally comes in my group but tonight he went with the others) and i mean alone for about 3/4 mile. got back and had to wait for my partner to come back and i could feel myself getting anxious but then he arrive thank goodness

Does anybody think that because ive been doing so well lately with no anxiety or panics and ive got nothing really to worry about in as much as i dont worry about anxiety or panic that im worrying about not worrying if that makes sense. my mind thinks hang on where is all this worry and it has set me off again.

Any help would be appreciated.

thanks again and take care all


Winners never quit and Quitters never win

19-06-06, 22:39

Hi ya hun - so sorry not to answer earlier, I can't believe I havent had my mob on all day, as I never do that - I did think it was very quiet [Duh!].

I dont think there sounds much to worry about here mate - you are still doing marvellously - with what you just said you have achieved ie; the running on your own like that etc.

It is quite normal to have some off days here and there, the trick is to not let them get to you. Each new day is fresh day - so no looking back or carrying stuff over.

You know we were talkin about being more open about our panics - well I did practice what I preached about that hun, and had a good long chat with a neighbour who I dont know all that well about panic attacks. I confess she did start the converstation telling me about her agoraphobic best mate round the corner.

Once we started we chatted for ages - this is part of me trying to accept who I am and I felt really rather pleased with myself for being open.

Hopefully I will catch you soon on msn again - meanwhile text me again and I promise to have the flipping thing on [:I]:D:D

Love Piglet xxx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

20-06-06, 08:15
well here i am again off to work yuk. too nice to go to work when its sunny.

anyway feel a little better than yesterday and the weekend. gonna try and order that book chuck was on about. (sorry Trac if your reading this!!!)

Thanks piglet for your reply and a big well done for being open to your neighbour i think i may try it on holiday with people i dont no well or wont see again.

Why does fear hit u when you are most relaxed isnt it annoying. Its like "hello where are u fear" youve not been around for a while so here u r just to remind u wot its like".

I can honestly say for the past few weeks especially i have been feeling tons better and doing more things on my own which i find really hard and then this blip it can just get lost i am not gonna let it win.

Ive just started to be proud of myself and saying to myself that ive done really well and i can do things then i get a wham bam fear like that. i no i should have not been so confident about myself.

anyway im rambling on but thanks everybody for advice i DO really appreciate it

take care bobsy;)

23-06-06, 14:38
I had experienced panic attacks and depression. It was a condition called CANDIDA. It is not recognized by the doctors because it can be corrected to a degree by yourself and so might not need them for pills. It does entail diet changes, and healthy eating and drinking. Write me at willowtree989@yahoo.com

23-06-06, 21:57
**Does anybody think that because ive been doing so well lately with no anxiety or panics and ive got nothing really to worry about in as much as i dont worry about anxiety or panic that im worrying about not worrying if that makes sense. my mind thinks hang on where is all this worry and it has set me off again**

It is true that as we get better, our minds get bored. We are soo used to spending a huge proprtio of tie and thoughts on everything anxiety related that as we improve ourselves there is a void left behind that we need to fil with new projects , unfinished work and tasks that got left behind as well as a new found lifestyle !!

If we do not fill that void then it is more likely for anxious thought paterns to filter back in without being noticed especially when faced with something new and outside our comfort zone like the holiday.

Keep strong and look at it as an inconvenience that you can tackle just like the others that you have put behind you recently.



proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

24-06-06, 08:38
Thanks for your message meg. i think it must be the holiday coming up that maybe made me have a wham bam hot feeling.

I was wondering if anybody else felt like this - while i am trying to recover from anxiety, instead of just trying to get on with things like going out socialising, going to work, gardening, exercise classes hobbies etc etc i sit on computer or read books to try and find the answers to getting rid of anxiety and panic when i really should be forgetting about finding answers and do the above.

Its like im just waiting to find that magic answer (which i know deep down there is not one) or word for me to recover. I know it has to come from me and no one else but I search and search for the answer and always asking people how they overcome their panic/anxiety attacks in the hope it may help me.

How can i expect to lose the fear of anxiety if im always trying to look for answers and keep thinking about them going.

Maybe im scared of losing the anxiety as its been part of my for more than half of my life - wot a waste. I just want to get on with my life and live it as normally as i can but i just cant seem to do it.

I know its a habit ive got but i find it difficult to break. I try to forget it but the more i try the more its there its like i remind myself all the time when really im trying to forget - if it makes sense. how can i stop myself from trying to forget it when once ive thought of it, its in my mind already and off we go again!

Sorry if i don't make sense but sometimes i know what i want to say but putting it down in writing is hard.

thanks a lot and once again thank you for all your kind words and support


24-06-06, 20:16

your last post I interpretted as I am doing very well, but then what if I fall down its a long way. Bobsy you are not going to fail you are going to get stronger and more self relient, you have proved you can do it now all you have to do is believe it yourself. Well done you have made a major breakthrough


27-06-06, 21:45
well just to let u know im over my blip. went running with a running group last night on my own with people i dont no and i did not panic. I had the what if thoughts but nothing happened yippie. Got back and had to wait half an hour for my other half to come back (he did a long run) could feel myself bringing panic/anxiety on so i just sat and waited calmly and thought if it comes i will deal with it i know wot to do and i was ok. so was really pleased with myself.

my prob is that i want to do things so much on myown so do you think going running with people i dont trust and dont no is actually going on my own.

by the way im going on my jollies this saturday to spain for 2 weeks. any hugs and words of support would be greatly appreciated on how to deal with flight and being away from home and going out while im there.

a big thanks to all for help so far especially piglet tracey and traceyp.

p.s. piglet i got my crystal book to take so ive got some reading also got some crystals to play with - now now!!! :D[8D]

love bobsy

27-06-06, 23:09
Oh Bobsy I am really gonna miss you - you won't forget about me will you and then say "Piglet who" when you come back :([}:)]:D

I am glad your crystal book came in the nick of time - I reckon you will be in competition with me now and be trying on the sly to make your collection bigger than mine.

You are gonna have such a great time and don't you forget that you take your safe place with you wherever you go - so it's only ever a positive thought away.:):):):)

Hopefully catch you before you jet off into the sun.

Love Piglet xxxxx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

28-06-06, 07:28
I know that horrible feeling your explaining,
sometimes I can sit and feel scared and not know why but just like my palpatations I now smile when they turn up ,

I just except then for what they are, a feeling. Nothing more and nothing less.

This method is called mindfulness and is very very powerfull if practised often enough.....its part of my cbt.

Hope this helps
mirry x


29-06-06, 08:24
thanks mirry and piglet for your replies.

mirry i got the mindfulness cd but i dont no if its the right one. it has four cd's in it and two are about yoga and one is just thinking about every part ofyour body in turn. is this mindfulness as i think its more like relaxing every part of your body maybe i got a different one to you.

Anyway only one more day to my holiday (OMG) dont no if i feel nervous or excited but now i am not at work ive got all day to think about it. - you no the plane and wanting to get off and imagining running down the aisle of the plane panicking. Got all my stuff together like cd and books and crosswords etc to keep me occupied.

Please think of me, gonna miss u all and i will see u when i get back. if i am clever enough will try and log on when im away

take care


29-06-06, 10:30

Im gonna miss you like mad mate!, but you are going to have a brilliant time, and i'm secretly jealous!

You are going to be fine, and will enjoy yourself more than you realise. Start giving yourself the credit you deserve - you sre doing SOOOOOO well.

Onwards and upwards all the way.

Take care, see you back on MSN VERY soon for all the gossip.xxx

tracy x x

Every time you avoid your fears they become stronger,every time you face your fears they become weaker.

30-06-06, 21:44
well i think i need some help here

im scared to death as i go to airport in 4 hours time and panic has hit me big time. im am going on holiday to spain and im frightened.

shaking, shivers and horrible feeling in stomach. i feel ill.

all the what ifs are comig on - everyone imaginable.

please help


30-06-06, 21:55

Good luck mate

Sit quietly for a while and get that breathing slowed down. In through nose and out through mouth.

Remind yourself why you want to do this.

Sip some water. Have you eaten?

Just calm everything down so be alone and concentrate on you.

You can do this ok. You will have a fab time. Think of the sun and sea and sangria

Get a book to read for flight and I love puzzle books cos then you have to think.

Thinking of you ok!



30-06-06, 22:02
Bobsy mate you will be fine, just remember what we chatted about earlier, you are going to have a fab time mate and come back all tanned and rested.
You have my mobile number so remember if you need a quick up the butt to get on the plane you text me and I will give you one no probs lol, it's my favourite past time.
Big hug to my special mate and you go and have A BLOODY BRLLIANT TIME !!!!!

Lots of love
Trac xxx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

01-07-06, 13:47

I text you yesterday before I had read this post.

I hope by the time you read this you will be either on your hols or back and realise that like Nigel said it could have been more in the way of excitement.

Don't forget your safe place is with you at all times so just breathe slowly and calmly and remember you are taking your life back and doing the things you want to do.

Speak soon mate.

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

18-07-06, 20:01